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  • A lapis alectorius, alectoria, alectorius, cock stone or capon stone is a non-precious stone found in the gizzard of capons (young, castrated roosters).
  • For a time, these birds were raised as capons and as broilers by the meat industry until faster-growing modern industrial strains put an end to this use.
  • But French scholar and philologist, Gilles Ménage, called Covarrubias’ statement ridiculous, stating in his —Dictionnaire Etymologique (1694)— that the term capirotada was of Italian origin and came from capon, quoting Italian linguist, Giovanni Veneroni, who had stated that it was a type of stew or sauce, a capirota, made from roasted meats, including capons and partridges.
  • Whole-body effects were similarly clear in animals: castrated cock chickens (capons) did not develop the typical male secondary sexual characteristics, namely aggression, crowing, muscle development, sexual proclivity and most visibly the cockscomb and wattle; they were docile and developed tender flesh, which was considered a delicacy.
  • Osmond mayor had already to deal with the Corbie Abbey in 1174 when he had to recognize that his house in Coullemelle (Colomellis) with belonging to a fief of the abbey and that he owed the abey six capons and two setiers of vine.
  • For the land, Van der Heyden—in addition to his heirs—was to pay "three and three-fourth bushels of wheat and two fat hens or capons, to the patroon of Rensselaerswyck" annually.
  • The book evokes Lyonnaise cuisine, citing a list of dishes: "sausage, sausage, ham, sausages, huge wild boar roasts with garlic sauce, pluck, fricandeau, fat capons in white Mangier, hochepots, beef stew, cabirotades, hastereaux, game animals and birds, stuffed lamb, stuffed carp, whitefish, annealed (cheese flavored with peach leaves), crackers and macaroons (dry cakes), fruit jellies, fritters, and so on".
  • Gilbert Mabbot, containing in breadth at the west end, along the lord Santrys wall, and from the wall there lately built by the lord Power, earle of Tyrone, in the north, to the low water marke in the south, the number of eight perches or thereabouts, and in length eastward to the cross wall over against Dirty lane, alias Hog Lane, fiftie four perches or thereabouts; at which place it contains in breadth, from the earle of Tyrone his wall in the north, to the low water marke in the south, eleven perches or thereabouts, then leaving two perches for a passage or way to the ford and Dirty lane, and also leaving sixtie foot for a highway thence all along to the corner of the wall beyond the said mill, built by the said Mr Mabbott, it conteines in breadth at the west end the number of sixteen perches or thereabouts, to the low water mark in length eastward to the ferry, over against Mr Hawkshaw his buildings, seventie two perches or thereabouts leaving sixtie foot for highway as aforesaid, from which place it is further in length eastward, a little beyond the said mill, sixtie perches or thereabouts, Which is the furthest extent eastward, and at this end it is in breadth, from the sixtie foot left for a highway to the low water marke, fourteen perches and a half, or thereabouts, for the tearme of two hundred ninetie nine yeares, at the yearly rent of fiftie shillings, sterling, to be paid to the treasurer of the cittie for the use of the cittie, and a couple of fatt capons, or five shillings, sterling, in liew thereof, every Christmas to the Lord Mayor of the cittie for the time being”.
  • The list of dishes and foods sacrificed to their pot-bellied god is then presented: fried bits, wild boar heads, pork loins with peas, squabs, grilled capons, multicolored dragees, and so forth.

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