Συνώνυμα & Αναγραμματισμοί | Αγγλικά λέξη SPOUT




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Παραδείγματα χρήσης SPOUT σε μια πρόταση

  • To complete the teapot metaphor, under dark skies a particularly dense area of the Milky Way (the Large Sagittarius Star Cloud) can be seen rising in a north-westerly arc above the spout, like a puff of steam rising from a boiling kettle.
  • Mixing cylinders have ground glass joints instead of a spout, so they can be closed with a stopper or connected directly with other elements of a manifold.
  • With the advent of the heavy arquebus (later known as a musket) in the early 16th century, a spout large enough to measure the required powder was impractical.
  • Teapots usually have an opening with a lid at their top, where the dry tea and hot water are added, a handle for holding by hand and a spout through which the tea is served.
  • Untamed rivers would often flood the area leaving swamps that once dried would spout hazelnut trees, or "leska" in Serbian, whilst "-ovac" is a common Slavic suffix, hence Leskovac.
  • japonica is easily distinguished from other North Pacific whale species by several fieldmarks: lack of dorsal fin or bump, very broad, black back, cyamid-covered callosities on the head and lips, a very arched jaw line, a very narrow rostrum, and often a V-shaped spout.
  • Most Greek fountains flowed by simple gravity, but they also discovered how to use principle of a siphon to make water spout, as seen in pictures on Greek vases.
  • The liquid in the cucurbit is heated or boiled; the vapour rises into the anbik, where it cools by contact with the walls and condenses, running down the spout into the receiver.
  • The batik craftsperson sometimes blow the spout tip of canting to allow the liquid wax to flow smoothly and to avoid clogging, then they draw the line or dot upon the cloth, applying the liquid wax, following the patterns and images that previously had been drawn using pencil.
  • Evidence is provided of this as these shells were painted on the Moche V stirrup spout vessels that originated from Peru.
  • In Flowery Branch, they meet Spout Springs Road at the Rankin Smith Interchange, named after the respective businessperson.
  • In Odisha, vessels without the spout is also known as lota, while spout vessel is known as Jeri, used for prayer rituals and serving liquor.
  • The conceptual artist Hans Haacke devoted his 1989 installation "One Day, The Lions of Dulcie September Will Spout Water in Jubilation" to her.
  • A typical cosy is easy to put over or pop off the teapot in order to pour the tea, but some are wrapped around the teapot and have holes for the spout and the handle (so called "bachelor" teapots).
  • Hounslow Heath extended over the area north of Bedfont Road until 1792, and a strip of moorland (Borough Green and Spout Moor) along the present Spout Lane joined it to Hither Moor and Farther Moor, which stretched towards Staines Moor.
  • The Slurpee machine has a separate spout, or spigot, for each flavor at the front of a tumbler or freezer.
  • Originally, all steelmaking furnaces had a tapping spout closed with refractory that washed out when the furnace was tilted, but often modern furnaces have an eccentric bottom tap-hole (EBT) to reduce inclusion of nitrogen and slag in the liquid steel.
  • Ewer is an older word for a pitcher or jug of any type, though tending to be used for a vase-shaped pitcher, often decorated, with a base and a flaring spout.
  • The driptorch consists of a canister for holding fuel with a handle attached to the side, a spout with a loop to prevent fire from entering the fuel canister, a breather valve to allow air into the canister while fuel is exiting through the spout, and a wick from which flaming fuel is dropped to the ground.
  • The district includes the communities of: Bay de Verde, Cavendish, Carbonear, Grate's Cove, Green's Harbour, Hants Harbour, Heart's Content, Heart's Delight, Heart's Desire, Hopeall, Islington, Long Beach, Lower Island Cove, New Perlican, Northern Bay, Old Perlican, Perry's Cove, Red Head Cove, Salmon Cove, Spout Cove, Western Bay and Winterton.

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