Anagrams & Information About | English word EXILES'
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Examples of Using EXILES' in a Sentence
- The first of the Jews who responded to Ezra's prayer regarding the returning exiles' marriages with foreigners.
- After defeating the exiles' army, Vitelli stormed the fortress, where Strozzi and a few of his companions had retreated to safety.
- crossing Siberia to meet Verigin in Obdorsk (disguised as a fishmonger, as no Doukhobor visitors were allowed to see Verigin); spending four days at Leo Tolstoy's at Yasnaya Polyana; spending a fortnight in the Transcaucasia, reporting to the exiles' wives on the situation in Yakutia and inviting them to join their husbands (which many of them did some time later); and returning to his place of exile in Yakutia.
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