Definition, Meaning & Synonyms | English word PALENQUE
Definitions of PALENQUE
- Any of several towns in Latin America; most famously, a Maya site in Chiapas, Mexico.
- (historical) A community of runaway slaves.
Number of letters
Is palindrome
Examples of Using PALENQUE in a Sentence
- 599 – Maya king Uneh Chan of Calakmul attacks rival city-state Palenque in southern Mexico, defeating queen Yohl Ik'nal and sacking the city.
- July 28 – Bʼutz Aj Sak Chiik becomes the new ruler of the Mayan city-state of Palenque what is now the state of Chiapas in southern Mexico and reigns until his death in 501.
- June 5 – Ahkal Moʼ Nahb I becomes the new ruler of the Mayan city-state of Palenque (in what is now the state of Chiapas in southern Mexico), and reigns until his death in 524.
- October 22 – Sak Kʼukʼ succeeds her father Ajen Yohl Mat, as queen of the Maya state of Palenque (modern Mexico).
- The Temple of the Cross at Palenque (Mexico) is constructed to commemorate the rise of King Kʼinich Kan Bahlam II to the throne (approximate date).
- Palenque is a medium-sized site, smaller than Tikal, Chichen Itza, or Copán, but it contains some of the finest architecture, sculpture, roof comb and bas-relief carvings that the Mayas produced.
- It is considered one of the most important archaeological sites of Maya culture, along with Palenque, Chichen Itza and Calakmul in Mexico, Caracol and Xunantunich in Belize, and Tikal in Guatemala.
- It dominated such smaller sites as Bonampak, and had a long rivalry with Piedras Negras and at least for a time with Tikal; it was a rival of Palenque, with which Yaxchilan warred in 654.
- Sak Kʼukʼ also known as Muwaan Mat, Lady Sak Kʼukʼ and Lady Beastie (died 640), was queen of the Maya city-state of Palenque.
- He spent a week at Palenque, sketching, measuring, and photographing the site, and became aware that earlier published accounts were inadequate, and that most earlier visitors had limited their descriptions to only a portion of the buildings observed there.
- Ajen Yohl Mat also known as Aj Neʼ Ohl Mat, Ac Kan and Ahl Lawal Mat, (died August 8, 612) was an ajaw of the Maya city-state of Palenque.
- Kʼukʼ Bahlam I, also known as Kuk and Bahlum Kʼukʼ, (March 30, 397 – 435?), was a founder and ajaw of the ruling dynasty at the Maya city of Palenque.
- Bʼutz Aj Sak Chiik, also known as Manik, (November 15, 459 – 501?), was an ajaw of the Maya city of Palenque.
- Kʼan Joy Chitam I, also known as Hok, Kan Xul I and Kʼan Hokʼ Chitam I, (May 3, 490 – February 6, 565) was an ajaw of the Maya city-state of Palenque.
- Of the 742 places that were on the list in 2014, the following barrios, communities, sectors, or neighborhoods were in Barceloneta: Abra del Pimiento, Abra los Caballos, Cité Sector in Garrochales, Palenque, and Seboruco.
- A certain Palenque ruler has the glyph of a Quetzal head for his name and because the word for Quetzal in Chol is kuk, it is conjectured that his name was Lord Kuk.
- The Tzotzil language, like Tzeltal and Ch'ol, is descended from the proto-Ch'ol spoken in the late classic period at sites such as Palenque and Yaxchilan.
- Beginning in 1992, the educational system in Palenque de San Basilio started reintroducing Palenquero in the curriculum.
- The first Mesa Redonda de Palenque conference in Palenque starts major improvements in understanding Maya hieroglyphics and the iconography of Maya civilization.
- In 1975, Schele was invited to the Second International Archaeoastronomy Conference at Colgate to present an exploratory paper on Palenque hierophanies and their link to emblem and skull variant glyphs, which she later published in 1977.
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