Definition, Meaning, Synonyms & Anagrams | English word RESORCIN
Definitions of RESORCIN
- (organic compound) Synonym of resorcinol
Number of letters
Is palindrome
Examples of Using RESORCIN in a Sentence
- Staining of the nail plate may occur due to nicotine, dyes (including hair dyes and nail polish), potassium permanganate, mercury compounds, hydroquinone, elemental iron, mepacrine, photographic developer, anthralin, chrysarobin, glutaraldehyde, or resorcin.
- The easiest way to observe the fibers after the oxidation stage is to stain them with Gomori's aldehyde fuchsin; after preoxidation, some fibers will show up with orcein and resorcin fuchsin.
- Unlike Oxytalan fibres, elaunin fibres stain with orcein, aldehyde fuchsin and resorcin fuchsin without prior oxidation.
- Victor Heiser the Chief Quarantine Officer and Director of Health for Manila, and Eliodoro Mercado the house physician at the San Lazaro Hospital for lepers in Manila, decided to add camphor to a prescription of chaulmoogra and resorcin, which was typically given orally.
- Merc, he prepared his doctoral thesis which consisted of two partsː Über die Einwirkung des p-Toluidins auf Resorcin and Hydrochinon and Über die Einwirkung des Anilins auf Orcin.
- It is composed of 60 cubic centimetres of chaulmoogra oil and camphorated oil and 4 grams of resorcin.
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