Definition & Meaning | English word RESPECTABLY


Definitions of RESPECTABLY

  1. In a respectable manner; so as to gain respect.
  2. Moderately; pretty well.

Number of letters


Is palindrome






Examples of Using RESPECTABLY in a Sentence

  • The Dreamy Gentleman—The unobtainable knight of Other's dreams, the Dreamy Gentleman chose to marry his plain cousin Mealy Mouth and live respectably.
  • He was outclassed by world champions Emanuel Lasker (+4−25=7) and José Raúl Capablanca (+1−9=1), but scored respectably against Alexander Alekhine (+2−4=2).
  • Midshipmen wore distinctive uniforms, master's mates dressed respectably, and both behaved like officers.
  • Dawes performed respectably throughout the competition, even having the boldness to try a brand-new move in her balance beam routine during team competition - back handspring to three layout stepouts.
  • Ingeborg is a respectably dour woman who teaches piano to village youth and runs a rooming house, and has undoubtedly sacrificed much for the sake of her foster daughter.
  • He bowled respectably enough, taking 2–36 and 1–22, but the match's lateness in the season robbed him of the chance to push for a regular place in the first team.
  • Basso performed respectably, coming in 18th, 1:53 back from Zabriskie – a perfectly respectable showing for someone who is not known as a time trialist.
  • " The Village Voice gave it an average review and said, "Adams mines American Beauty and Workingman's Dead respectably, but his attempts at early-'70s Neil Young piano ballads come off as tear-stained love letters to himself, and hardly distinguish him as the guy who dropped out of high school to become Paul Westerberg.
  • "Executioner" would be the new name for the Halls' truck, which went on to campaign very respectably in USHRA (1992-Feb 2002), Special Events' PENDA Series (1992-96), USA Motorsports (1993-98), and ProMT (2000-01).
  • It began respectably, with Gille announcing that the veterans were ready to 'do their duty for the Fatherland' and Steiner declaring support for 'freedom, order and justice'.
  • An East German firm named MZ placed respectably in races at the Nürburgring although few people viewed the two-strokes as a threat to the mighty four-strokes.
  • The murderer in external appearance is quite likely to be a quiet inoffensive looking man probably middleaged and neatly and respectably dressed.
  • The seat, called as Baithak or more respectably Bethakji is 66th of the 84 Baithaks of Vallabhacharya.
  • Some of these women still engaged in prostitution with multiple other Chinese men even after they formed a relationship with a single Chinese man, these women were proud of being wives of the Chinese and their well-maintained houses, saying they were 'clean and tidy' and the commissioners even said they were 'clean and even tastefully furnished', and Ellen B said 'You always see all the Chinese women's houses clean and comfortable', 'always plenty to eat and drink' and Minnie said she was 'living respectably with a Chinaman', the women also viewed non-white men of different races in a different light, saying that the 'dark' men like Lascars were different from the Chinese and Ellen B said 'there is not a girl with the Chinese that cares about a dark fellow.
  • The questions about a Hitlerite past were interpreted as an attack against the patriotic feelings of Austrians; the right-wingers insisted that during WWII Austrians behaved respectably, so digging the past up was unneeded and harmful.
  • Reviewing the album for PopMatters, John Amen called the album "over reliant on predictable sonics and vague melodies" and lacking the "textures that informed Sunbeams multifaceted aesthetic", concluding that it "unfolds respectably, proficiently, even likably, yet not particularly memorably".

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