22 English Words Ending in ATRA
Definition: 1. (literary) inexhaustible vessel.
There are 2 definitions of the word Akshayapatra
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Definition: 1. A ritual or ceremonial parasol in South Asia.
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Definition: 1. A given name of women in the Ptolemaic dynasty of Egypt; notably Queen Cleopatra VII of Egypt (69–30 ); last of the Ptolemy line.
There are 5 definitions of the word cleopatra
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Definition: 1. (music) A unit of melody in Javanese gamelan music, analogous to a measure.
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Definition: 1. (historical) A caravan city in capital of the small kingdom of in Araba in present-day, Iraq, which flourished in 2nd-century Mesopotamia.
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Definition: 1. A town and municipality in South Karelia, Finland
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Definition: 1. (countable) An annual village festival in Maharashtra, India.
There are 2 definitions of the word jatra
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Definition: 1. In Indian poetics and linguistics, a measure of the length of a syllable; equivalent to mora.
There are 4 definitions of the word matra
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Definition: 1. (historical, legal) Of or characterized by an avoidance of laws against usury by a pair of sales between a lender and a borrower (or their agents), where the first purchase is made on credit and an immediate repurchase is made in cash, the difference in prices amounting to the interest of the loan.
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Definition: 1. A lunar mansion in Hindu astrology; one of 27 (sometimes also 28) sectors along the ecliptic.
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Definition: 1. (India) A journey undertaken on foot for religious, political, social or charitable purposes.
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Definition: 1. (dated) A person having one black and one griffe parent; a person whose ancestry is seven-eighths black and one-eighth white.
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Definition: 1. A chicken of a breed native to the island of Sumatra, formerly used in cock-fighting and now mainly kept for exhibition.
There are 3 definitions of the word sumatra
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Definition: 1. (slang, dated) Frank Sinatra (1915–1998), American singer and actor.
Show more information about Swoonatra
Definition: 1. A mountain range on the border of Poland and Slovakia.
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