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Ejemplos de uso de CONFLAGRATION en una oración

  • A long period of hot, dry, windy conditions, and the wooden construction prevalent in the city, led to the conflagration spreading quickly.
  • For example, the farmers dug trenches around their crops, and filled them with water, to prevent reoccurrence of the conflagration that occurred when local Lenapes started a burn.
  • In 1892, the Prefect of Police feared a conflagration and ordered the Montagnes Russes closure and ban.
  • Steinhardt created the name based on the Ancient Greek word ekpyrosis (ἐκπύρωσις, "conflagration"), which refers to a Stoic cosmological model in which the universe is caught in an eternal cycle of fiery birth, cooling and rebirth.
  • A firestorm is a conflagration which attains such intensity that it creates and sustains its own wind system.
  • Ricketts battled the conflagration for 7 hours and limited the damage, evacuating the injured while fragments from exploding ammunition showered down upon her decks.
  • One conflagration burnt trees in seconds, another extended to balconies with grills destroyed, and several roofs collapsed - the blaze lasted into the evening hours and its head burnt near the town, while Vrilissia, eastern Nea Erythraia, Ekali, and Dionyssos were also hit.
  • The venue was severely damaged, Janmaat narrowly escaped death and the party secretary Wil Schuurman had one leg amputated after jumping from a window to escape the conflagration.
  • Now this has the form of a myth, but really signifies a declination of the bodies moving in the heavens around the earth, and a great conflagration of things upon the earth, which recurs after long intervals.
  • Moments later, observers on Tulagi saw the conflagration which marked the death throes of , the victim of another kamikaze.
  • Saar managed to outrace the conflagration and cut the cables on the 23rd storey, thus preventing the fire from reaching the metal part of the tower.
  • In the crisis of 1830 his moderation in face of the warlike clamour of the military party at Berlin did much to prevent the troubles in Belgium and Poland from ending in a universal European conflagration.
  • According to Stoic physics, the universe is periodically destroyed in an immense conflagration (ekpyrosis), and then experiences a rebirth (palingenesis).
  • The sufferings associated with natural disasters are: famine resulting from flood or drought, epidemic, conflagration, flood, volcanic eruptions, collapse of buildings, shipwreck, and locust plagues.
  • Historian Eugen Weber described an 1899 conflagration at the Auteuil horse-race course in Paris as "an absurd political shindig" when, among other events, de Dion struck the President of France, Émile Loubet, on the head with a walking stick De Dion served 15 days in jail and was fined 100 French francs, and his behaviour was heavily criticised by Le Vélo, the largest daily sports newspaper in France, and its Dreyfusard editor, Pierre Giffard.
  • Lydia Sigourney reflects on this event in her poem "The Conflagration at Washington", written under her maiden name, Lydia Huntley, in her first collection of poetry of 1815.
  • As is insinuated by the name "the powder keg of Europe," the Balkans were not the major issue at stake in the war, but were merely the catalyst that led to the conflagration.
  • The Bukit Ho Swee fire was a conflagration that broke out in the squatter settlement of Bukit Ho Swee, Singapore on 25 May 1961.
  • Floods, that have swept down with irresistible power during the heavy winter rains, have uprooted big trees, and have produced the wildest conflagration of closely entangled life and death.
  • Clayton becomes trapped in the resulting conflagration, and along with Elwyn and Zolarr perishes in the flames of Elwyn's accursed library.
  • France, among the main battlegrounds of the European conflagration, was particularly hard-hit and in need of external funds for reconstruction.
  • The prize brig Hope, laden with provisions, happily escaped the general conflagration, altho' the fire from the shore several times caught the awning which covered her quarter deck, and went out --- several vessels in full blaze passed within two and three feet of her; ten lay within forty yards, and consumed to the wateredge, but Providence directed she should escape, and a very fortunate one it was, as there was no other supply of provisions in town.
  • Dynamiting houses to block the fire's spread was considered, but this plan was rejected in view of the danger that falling debris from the blast would only spread the conflagration further.
  • "Entrance of the Conflagration" is about Andrea Yates' murder of her five children, "Unrepentant" is about Nazir Ahmad's murder of his three daughters and stepdaughter, "Contempt Breeds Contamination" is about the death of Amadou Diallo, and "And Sadness Will Sear" is based upon the murder of Matthew Shepard.
  • Wells' Second World War breaks out in January 1940 with a European conflagration from the flashpoint of a violent clash between Germans and Poles at Danzig - closely matching the actual outbreak of WWII.


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