Anagrammeja & Tietoja | englanti sana FOUNDER'S
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Esimerkkejä FOUNDER'S käyttämisestä lauseessa
- Bacardi Limited is headquartered in Hamilton, Bermuda, and has a board of directors led by the original founder's great-great-grandson, Facundo L.
- The name Margate is a portmanteau of the first three letters of the founder's last name, Jack Marqusee, and the first four letters of gateway, since it was considered a "gateway" to western Broward County.
- There is a yearly Founder's Day festival in midtown park located at the beginning of General James A.
- was later followed by the founder's great great grandson, Dale Ellett, who volunteered and died in World War II in 1945 fighting against Nazi Germany.
- The town had several freemasonic influenced names: Shibboleth, Masonic Grove, and Masonville until Mason City was adopted in 1855, in honor of a founder's son, Mason Long.
- It was named after Mary Henrietta Lunger, the town founder's young daughter who had died some time before.
- A popular spot for social gathering in Akron is Russell Park, which was put in an Akron's founder's will to be a park forever or returned to his next of kin.
- John Andrew Rea arrived across the river in Bismarck in 1876 to serve as temporary editor of its newspaper during one of its founder's extended absences.
- During the celebration, a Founder's Stone was dedicated and placed at the grave of John Schell, which is further distinguished by a Daughters of the American Revolution (DAR) marker and flag to commemorate his service in the Revolutionary War.
- The founder's son, Arvid Viktor Hasselblad, was interested in photography and started the photographic division of the company.
- The phrase, which first appeared in a Beechams advertisement in the St Helens Intelligencer, was first said to be uttered by a satisfied lady purchaser from St Helens, Lancashire, the founder's home town.
- Each year the boys at Challoner's celebrate Founder's Day where they attend St Mary's Church in Old Amersham where Robert Chaloner was rector.
- In 1919 Lord Chelmsford named the city, which was early a village called Sakchi, to Jamshedpur in honour of its founder, Jamshedji Nausserwanji Tata, whose birthday is celebrated on 3 March as Founder's Day.
- In 1959, when the founder's son Sumner Redstone joined the company, it was renamed National Amusements, the present name.
- The founder's charter shows the name of the abbey as "the church of St Mary of Edwardstow", or the Latin "Ecclesia Sanctae Mariae de loco Sancti Edwardi" although the title of the charter calls it "Letley"; the present name of Netley is most likely derived from this.
- In 2001, Trigger Street Productions was then signed to a contract with film financer Intermedia in order to finance future Trigger Street features, for a first-look deal, which resulted in the founder's involvement in producing K-PAX.
- According to the founder's will, the dwellers of the new settlement were to possess the same city rights as other towns in the region, hence the place granted Kulm law.
- A visitor, in English and Welsh law and history, is an overseer of an autonomous ecclesiastical or eleemosynary institution, often a charitable institution set up for the perpetual distribution of the founder's alms and bounty, who can intervene in the internal affairs of that institution.
- This group, which included the founder's wife Emmy Arnold, argued that the founder's vision was rooted in a pietistic faith in Jesus Christ, not primarily in communitarian ideals.
- This leads to the founder's effect and the population can have different allele frequencies and phenotypes than the original population.
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