Synonyymit & Anagrammeja | englanti sana MODAL
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Esimerkkejä MODAL käyttämisestä lauseessa
- Whistle register, the highest register of the human voice lying above the modal register and falsetto register.
- In Christian theology, historically patripassianism (as it is referred to in the Western church) is a version of Sabellianism in the Eastern church (and a version of modalism, modalistic monarchianism, or modal monarchism).
- Slack voice (or lax voice) is the pronunciation of consonant or vowels with a glottal opening slightly wider than that occurring in modal voice.
- Consequently, if the fibre is propagating substantial energy in affected modes, the modal distribution will be changed.
- Mechanical disturbance of the fiber ahead of the joint will introduce changes in the modal structure, resulting in variations of joint loss.
- In telecommunications, a mode scrambler or mode mixer is a device for inducing mode coupling in an optical fiber, or a device that, itself, exhibits a uniform output intensity profile independent of the input mode volume or modal excitation condition.
- The mode volume (or modal volume) of an optical or microwave cavity is a measure of how concentrated the electromagnetic energy of a single cavity mode is in space, expressed as an effective volume in which most of the energy associated with an electromagentic mode is confined.
- From the 1960s until his death, he was a central figure in a number of fields related to mathematical and modal logic, philosophy of language and mathematics, metaphysics, epistemology, and recursion theory.
- Modal jazz is jazz that makes use of musical modes, often modulating among them to accompany the chords instead of relying on one tonal center used across the piece.
- The nature of the countertenor voice has radically changed throughout musical history, from a modal voice, to a modal and falsetto voice, to the primarily falsetto voice that is denoted by the term today.
- Modal logic (philosophy), a form of logic which distinguishes between (logically) "necessary truths" and "contingent truths".
- Rather, it is a declarative language based on classical first-order logic, with extensions for modal logic operators and higher-order logic quantification.
- Musicians during this period believed that the bebop and modal jazz that had been played before them was too limiting, and became preoccupied with creating something new.
- Subjunctive possibility, (also called alethic possibility) is a form of modality studied in modal logic.
- His 2000 paper on the ambient calculus subject with Luca Cardelli, "Anytime, Anywhere: Modal Logics for Mobile Ambients", won the 2010 SIGPLAN Most Influential POPL Paper Award.
- Earlier models in this line (the Rex and the Rex-3) had almost no input possibilities except to download data when installed in a host computer or in a docking station; the Rex 5 added a sixth button and introduced a modal input method.
- Rollins and Coltrane then influenced Gordon's playing as he explored hard bop and modal playing during the 1960s.
- Languages that use many modal particles in their spoken form include Dutch, Danish, German, Hungarian, Russian, Telugu, Nepali, Norwegian, Indonesian, Sinitic languages, and Japanese.
- Lewis was led to invent modal logic, and specifically strict implication, on the grounds that classical logic grants paradoxes of material implication such as the principle that a falsehood implies any proposition.
- The typical tone of falsetto register or M2, usually has a characteristic breathy and flute-like sound relatively free of overtones—which is more limited than its modal counterpart in both dynamic variation and tone quality.
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