Anagrammeja & Tietoja | englanti sana PIECES'
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Esimerkkejä PIECES' käyttämisestä lauseessa
- The function of the cross is more variable; for example, in Yut the cross forms shortcuts to the finish, whereas in Pachisi the four spokes are used as player-specific exits and entrances to the pieces' home.
- In 2003 Nestlé attempted to raise brand awareness by changing the names of the flavours to Cool Mint and Zingy Orange and adding Brilliant Blackcurrant and Sizzling Strawberry flavour – which counted 'black pepper flavoured sugar pieces' among its ingredients.
- In a 2005 article in Advertising Age, Harbert wrote, “I started poring over the ratings in Nielsen 'Pocket Pieces' when I was 9 years old.
- Another critic, Charles Michener praised the Mazurkas as "full-blooded and intoxicating, almost shocking in their use of rubato, the freedom with which they shake the pieces' rhythmic structures".
- Allgaier is half-way between the two Schools, he agrees with Philidor on the force of the kingside majority, but at the same time he argues that his experience as a player and as a student of chess led him to believe that the pieces' play all'italiana was a good alternative.
- Many of the pieces' subjects are indicative of the nature and wildlife surrounding MacDowell's farm ("To a Wild Rose", "Will o' the Wisp", "To a Water-lily", "By a Meadow Brook") or are inspired by the MacDowells' frequent walks in the woods ("At an Old Trysting-place", "From an Indian Lodge", "A Deserted Farm").
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