Synonyymit & Anagrammeja | englanti sana YOP
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On Palindromi
Esimerkkejä YOP käyttämisestä lauseessa
- The song was reworked into "Gimme Yop, Me Mama" and the teenagers, who are seen asleep against a toilet-roll holder or propped up in the bathroom, demand that their mothers give them the drink to wake them up.
- Yop, a tar-like substance of pine pitch and asphaltum, sealed the animal sinew fastened planks to create canoes.
Etsi YOP:
(suomi) Wiktionary
(suomi) Wikipedia
(englanti) Wiktionary
(englanti) Google Answers
(englanti) Britannica
(suomi) Wiktionary
(suomi) Wikipedia
(englanti) Wiktionary
(englanti) Google Answers
(englanti) Britannica
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