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Exemples d’utilisation de RECESSIONS dans une phrase

  • He contributed to the development of key ideas in the Keynesian economics of his generation and advocated government intervention in particular to stabilize output and avoid recessions.
  • Governments usually respond to recessions by adopting expansionary macroeconomic policies, such as increasing money supply and decreasing interest rates or increasing government spending and decreasing taxation.
  • Millennials have been called the "Unluckiest Generation" as the average Millennial has experienced slower economic growth and more recessions since entering the workforce than any other generation in history.
  • In recent years, Japan has suffered from a number of recessions and deflation, and union membership has been falling, causing the value of the shuntō and the automatic wage increases associated with it to come under threat.
  • Dean Baker in The American Prospect said the failure by Greenspan and King to tackle the bubbles in their respective countries' housing markets resulted in catastrophic "fallout" when the bubbles burst, resulting in the worst recessions in both countries since the Great Depression.
  • His later work with Kenneth French showed that predictability in expected stock returns can be explained by time-varying discount rates; for example, higher average returns during recessions can be explained by a systematic increase in risk aversion, which lowers prices and increases average returns.
  • In 1848, Karl Marx proposed that the economic recessions and practical contradictions of a capitalist economy would provoke the working class to proletarian revolution, depose capitalism, restructure social institutions (economic, political, social) per the rational models of socialism, and thus begin the transition to a communist society.
  • Determining the occurrence of pre-20th-century recessions is more difficult due to the dearth of economic statistics, so scholars rely on historical accounts of economic activity, such as contemporary newspapers or business ledgers.
  • Concerning the side of aggregate demand, the concept of a war economy has been linked to the concept of "military Keynesianism", in which the government's military budget stabilizes business cycles and fluctuations and/or is used to fight recessions.
  • To avoid this, they set aside profits during boom periods to supplement recessionary periods as well as temporarily contracting employees to other companies as outsourced labor during recessions.
  • The National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER) does not function as a real-time arbiter in determining the onset and duration of recessions but rather serves as a retrospective marker.
  • They exist in different states known as recessions (with low and intermediate numbers), rising to local outbreaks and regional upsurges with increasingly high densities, to plagues consisting of numerous swarms.
  • In addition, Hurd explains that the 1980s were a very troubling time for unions in the US as a result of "the anti-union reign of Ronald Reagan" and "Twin recessions".
  • In times of recession, deficit spending has significant benefits, whereas spending cuts by governments aggravate and lengthen recessions.
  • Due to the many different recessions of the text—the 60-, 75-, 12-, 25-fascicle versions discussed above—scribal errors, and variant versions of individual fascicles, the Shōbōgenzō was thought to possibly be inauthentic at the beginning of a Tokugawa Era.
  • Sectoral Economics – trends in industry, investors’ outlook, telecommunications, emerging technologies growth rate, recessions, and slowdowns.
  • This, together with the recessions brought on by the global financial crisis and the European debt crisis, resulted in very low demand for carbon offsets, causing the value of CERs to plummet.
  • It was during his time in Colorado that Harvey became exposed to the idea that the demonetization of silver through passage of the Coinage Act of 1873 had extremely deleterious economic effects on the American economy, including the multiyear Long Depression of 1873 to 1879, the Depression of 1882 to 1885, recessions in 1887 and 1890, and the Panic of 1893.
  • There were three recessions during Eisenhower's administration—July 1953 through May 1954, August 1957 through April 1958, and April 1960 through February 1961, caused by the Federal Reserve clamping down too tight on the money supply in an effort to wring out lingering wartime inflation.
  • With increased interconnectivity among economies and the globalization of the world economy, the spread of the coronavirus maximized the potentiality of global recessions.

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