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Voorbeelden van het gebruik van DIENCEPHALON in een zin

  • The thalamus (: thalami; from Greek θάλαμος, "chamber") is a large mass of gray matter on the lateral walls of the third ventricle forming the dorsal part of the diencephalon (a division of the forebrain).
  • The midbrain is continuous with the thalamus of the diencephalon through the tentorial notch, and sometimes the diencephalon is included in the brainstem.
  • The hagfish, considered as a primitive vertebrate, has a rudimentary structure regarded as the "pineal equivalent" in the dorsal diencephalon.
  • It is a slit-like cavity formed in the diencephalon between the two thalami, in the midline between the right and left lateral ventricles, and is filled with cerebrospinal fluid (CSF).
  • At the five-vesicle stage, the forebrain separates into the diencephalon (thalamus, hypothalamus, subthalamus, and epithalamus) and the telencephalon which develops into the cerebrum.
  • It is part of the telencephalon, but retains close functional ties with the subthalamus in the diencephalon – both of which are part of the extrapyramidal motor system.
  • The midbrain or mesencephalon is the uppermost portion of the brainstem connecting the diencephalon and cerebrum with the pons.
  • It is traditionally assumed that functional structures associated with the subjective experience of emotions and moods (the first phase of information metabolism) are controlled by phylogenetically older parts of the brain (diencephalon and rhinencephalon), while those generated in the second phase of information metabolism, subjectively experienced as thoughts, are associated with the neocortex.
  • They are located on the undersurface of the brain that, as part of the diencephalon, form part of the limbic system.
  • The fornix also carries some afferent fibers to the hippocampus from structures in the diencephalon and basal forebrain.
  • In the human brain, the diencephalon (or interbrain) is a division of the forebrain (embryonic prosencephalon).
  • The pretectum is generally classified as a midbrain structure, although because of its proximity to the forebrain it is sometimes classified as part of the caudal diencephalon (forebrain).
  • The subthalamus develops efferent (output) connections to the striatum (caudate nucleus and putamen) in the telencephalon, to the dorsal thalamus (medial and lateral nuclear groups) in the diencephalon, and to the red nucleus and substantia nigra in the mesencephalon.
  • The thalamencephalon is phylogenetically younger part of the diencephalon than the hypothalamus and neurohypophysis, which are not considered to belong to the thalamencephalon.
  • Sonic hedgehog (shh) signaling from the ZLI is crucial in the development of the diencephalon, which develops into the thalamus, the pretectum, and the anterior tegmental structures.
  • Embryonic mouse SF-1 transcripts have been discovered to localize within regions of the developing diencephalon and subsequently in the ventromedial hypothalamic nucleus (VMH) suggesting roles beyond steroidogenic maintenance.
  • Instead, he found that the optic tectum and the thalamic-pretectal region (in the diencephalon) play significant roles in the analysis and interpretation of visual stimuli (summarized in Ewert 1974, 2004; Ewert and Schwippert 2006).
  • These are the telencephalon, diencephalon, mesencephalon, metencephalon, and myelencephalon; the lateral ventricles, third ventricles, cerebral aqueduct, and upper and lower parts of the fourth ventricle in adulthood originated from these structures.
  • 5 sections showed strong labeling in the telencephalon, diencephalon, mesencephalon, developing cerebellum, brainstem, spinal cord, and dorsal root ganglia.
  • In the holocephalan species Chimaera monstrosa (ratfish), he described, in the basal midline of the diencephalon, a previously unknown ependymall structure adjacent to the rostral part of the optic chiasma referred to as the ‘organon vasculare praeopticum’.
  • The major difference between the gustatory neural structure of the fish and the rat is that the secondary gustatory nucleus of the fish projects to the interior lobe's lateral lobule of the diencephalon, while in the rat, the secondary gustatory nucleus projects to a specific thalamic area in the ventrobasal complex and to the ventral forebrain and rostroventral diencephalon.
  • The GPe GABAergic neurons, allow for its inhibitory function and projects axons to the subthalamic nucleus (in the diencephalon), the striatum, internal globus pallidus (GPi) and substantia nigra pars reticulata.
  • However, the situation is more complex, since comparative embryology shows that the length axis of the neural tube (the primordium of the brain) has three internal bending points, namely two ventral bendings at the cervical and cephalic flexures (cervical flexure roughly between the medulla oblongata and the spinal cord, and cephalic flexure between the diencephalon and the midbrain), and a dorsal (pontine or rhombic flexure) at the midst of the hindbrain, behind the cerebellum.
  • In the frog Xenopus tropicalis, Rax mutants are eyeless; the future retinal tissue instead has diencephalon and telencephalon features.
  • In “The Regio Parietalis (of Diencephalon) in Lower Craniates” (1905), Sterzi demonstrates that there are organs which are single (epiphysis and paraphysis) and organs that are originally double (pineal and parapineal organs; Sterzi, 1905).

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