Synoniemen & Anagrammen | Engels woord GULAR




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Voorbeelden van het gebruik van GULAR in een zin

  • Females have white underbellies and males have a distinctive red gular pouch, which they inflate during the breeding season to attract females.
  • Most have a bare throat patch (gular patch), and the nostrils have evolved into dysfunctional slits, forcing them to breathe through their mouths.
  • The upper sides of the neck have white lines along the base of the gular pouch, and the lower fore neck has a pale yellowish patch.
  • It has a huge bill, a pink gular sac at its throat (crumenifer(us) means "carrier of a pouch for money"), a neck ruff, and white legs and black wings.
  • Gular scales larger than the ventrals, smooth; lateral scales large, unequal; rostral appendage scaleless — C.
  • Species in the genus Urosaurus can be distinguished from members of the genus Sceloporus by the presence of a gular (under neck) fold and granular lateral scales.
  • When breeding both males and females develop throat pouches, known as gular pouches or gular skin, to carry food to their chicks, a trait seen in only one other North American genus, Pinicola.
  • This species is like a darker version of the widespread shikra with darker upperparts, strongly barred underwing, broader gular stripe and thin long legs and toes.
  • Compared to the brown pelican, it also has proportionally longer crest feathers, as well as differences in the colours of the gular pouch, beak, scapulars and greater wing coverts.
  • The egg is incubated for 40 days, the small chick is then fed nightly for 35 days by both parents, who regurgitate partially digested food (euphausiids and other small crustaceans) carried in a special gular pouch, often referred to in the literature as a sublingual pouch.
  • It possesses deep notches between the projecting gular scutes as well as between the gulars and humerals, but it is more distinct in the former.
  • Larval Tenebrionoidea can be distinguished by various features of the head: a posteriorly diverging gula with well developed gular ridges, posterior tentorial arms being shifted anteriorly, asymmetric mandibles, the M.
  • Because cormorants are closer relatives of gannets and anhingas (which have no prominent gular pouch) than of frigatebirds or pelicans, it can be seen that the gular pouch is either plesiomorphic or was acquired by parallel evolution.
  • During courtship display, the male inflates the gular sac which opens under the tongue, inflating it so that a large wobbly bag appears to hang down from the neck.
  • The gular pouch is not developed, the gular scales are feebly keeled, they are nearly as large as the ventrals.
  • This species resembles Calotes maria in pholidotic (scale) and other characters except that it has 45-57 scales round the body; gular scales much larger than the ventral scales; there is an oblique curved fold covered with small granular scales in front of the shoulders; nuchal crest less prominent; the hind-limb reaches to the eye or not quite so far.
  • scales on either side of the lower jaw feebly keeled, larger than the ventrals, those on the gular pouch smaller, more strongly keeled about as large as the ventrals.
  • blanfordii in the presence (in both sexes) of a thick, black transverse band that extends across the posterior gular region from one throat lappet to the other, and in the presence of dark radial bands on the dorsal surfaces of the patagia in both sexes rather than in females only.
  • Greyish above, with more or less distinct darker markings; a more or less distinct darker interorbital spot; wing-membranes above with numerous small round black spots, which are seldom confluent, beneath immaculate or with a few black spots; a blue spot on each side of the base of the gular appendage.
  • The body is slightly flattened; dorsal scales are small, uniform, smooth, or feebly keeled in the adult, and strongly keeled in the young, all pointing backwards and upwards; the dorsal crest is reduced to a ridge of enlarged scales; ventral scales are as large as the dorsals, and smooth (keeled in the young); from 115 to 150 scales occur around the middle of the body; the gular (under chin) scales are a little smaller than the ventral (underside) scales; four or five enlarged scales occur on the chin parallel with the anterior labials, separated from them by two rows of scales; a strong transverse fold covered with small scales is seen across the throat; the nuchal and dorsal crests are merely tooth-like protrusions.
  • Soft-tissue remains preserved by the exceptional preservational environment of the La Hoyas lagerstätte revealed the presence of a small skin or keratin crest on the back of the head, and a gular pouch similar to the much larger pouches found in modern pelicans, from which Pelecanimimus took its name.
  • According to Jain texts, a śrāvaka (householder) should not consume the four maha-vigai (the four perversions) – wine, flesh, butter and honey; and the five udumbara fruits (the five udumbara trees are Gular, Anjeera, Banyan, Peepal, and Pakar, all belonging to the fig genus).
  • Head covered-with irregular polygonal scales, intermixed with enlarged tubercles on the temple and occiput; rostral sub-pentagonal, twice as broad as high, with, median cleft above; 3 or 4 internasals; about 10 upper and as many lower labials; mental broadly pentagonal, in contact with two enlarged chin-shields, surrounded by irregular smaller ones passing gradually into the flat granules of the gular region.
  • The snout is covered with suboval keeled granules; the rest of the head is minutely granulate; the rostral is twice as broad as deep, with median emargination and cleft above; the nostrils are pierced between the rostral and three or four nasals; seven or eight upper and as many lower labials are found; the mental is large and triangular, with a truncated posterior angle; numerous small chin-shields pass gradually into the gular granules, which are feebly keeled.
  • The width of the plastron bridge is less than the length of the hind lobe; the longest median suture is between the abdominal scute, the shortest between the gular scute.

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