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- The name stems from the Anglian personal name of one Bord, who held property in the area, and in this way shares its origin with that of neighbouring Bordesley, first record as Bordesleie or Bordeslea meaning 'Bord's clearing'.
- In 2000, Kaizers Orchestra recorded the Kaizers Orchestra EP, containing four songs: "Bastard", "Bøn fra helvete", "Katastrofen" and "Dekk bord".
- In 2014–2015 a series of five short operas, Things We Throw Away, was performed in 40 locations throughout the streets of Dublin and Belfast, and the animated orchestral children's oratorio Bluebottle was premiered by 500 singing children from Wicklow and the RTE National Symphony Orchestra at the Bord Gais Energy Theatre, Dublin.
- Bord na Móna was founded in 1946 and provided employment to hundreds of people in Offaly by making peat briquettes (for home domestic use) and supplying peat to power stations operated by ESB.
- When a bord had been worked out it was simply sealed off, but this meant that any firedamp accumulating there was not promptly removed.
- In the 1970s, a group of Bord na Móna employees, led by Tom Barry who was Peatland Environmental Officer at the time, drove an initiative to preserve a number of bogs, including Pollardstown Fen located in County Kildare and Raheenmore Bog in County Offaly.
- The RPA applied for a Railway Order application to An Bord Pleanála for a combined Line D / Line BX Luas Line that runs from St Stephen's Green to Broombridge via the city centre and Broadstone / Grangegorman.
- Bord Gáis Éireann was established as a semi-state company by the Irish government in 1975 to replace a series of private-sector small city-based gas companies, some of whom had got into financial trouble.
- In the Republic of Ireland it competes with ESB Electric Ireland and Bord Gáis Energy, while in Northern Ireland it competes with Viridian, Phoenix Natural Gas, Northern Ireland Electricity (NIE) and ESB Electric Ireland.
- to my weddyd husbonde, to have and to hold fro thys day forwarde, for better for wurs, for richere, for porer, in sikenesse and in helthe, to be bonoure and buxum in bed and at bord, tyll deth us departe, yf holy Chyrche wyl it ordeyne; and therto I plyght the my trouth.
- It was the first domestic competitor to Bord Telecom Éireann (now Eircom) and, after initially reselling leased lines from that company, used "autodiallers" to route calls onto its network.
- The main employers in the village were the Burtonport Fishermen's Co-op and the Bord Iascaigh Mhara (BIM; Irish Sea Fisheries Board) ice plant; but these have both since closed and their former premises were demolished in 2021 as part of a seafront environment upgrade scheme.
- Au bord d'une source (Beside a Spring) in A major – Liszt's caption is from Schiller: “In the whispering coolness begins young nature's play.
- A partially fictionalized version of the incident was the plot of the book The Stowaway by Robert Hough and the movie "Über Bord", a 60-minute documentary from 2005 by the German journalist Rainer Kahrs, reconstructs the story of the MV "Maersk Dubai".
- Au bord de la mer: géologie, faune et flore des côtes de France de Dunkerque à Biarritz (1893) - The seaside: geology, fauna and flora on the coasts of France at Dunkerque and Biarritz.
- Daingean is surrounded by the Bog of Allen and Bord Na Mona (BnM) remains a local employer, however the number employed is much reduced from the heyday when local people made a living working at the briquette factory and on the bog.
- In the preface to the 1813 French edition of the address book, the publisher Thiriart claimed that there had not been any house numbering before the arrival of the French in the city ("inconnu à Cologne avant l´arrivée des armées françaises au bord du Rhin") and that the order to number the houses had been given in 1795.
- A Swedish version of "A Table in the Sun" – "Ett bord i solen" – later appeared on Fredriksson's 2008 ballads compilation Tid för tystnad.
- Bill Stapleton went on to become a director of Bord na Móna, while Charles Dalton and Frank Saurin became directors of the Irish Hospitals' Sweepstake.
- He is featured on Steel Pulse: African Holocaust, on Didier Awadi: Stoppez les criminels, on Riké: Airt Frais, on Bernard Lavilliers: Carnets De Bord, on Amadou & Mariam: Dimanche À Bamako, on Dub Incorporation Diversité, and on Tata Pound: Cikan.
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