Anagramas & Informações Sobre | Palavra Inglês MARCHERS
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- During the 1987 Forsyth County protests officials kept peace with police officers and National Guard protecting the event as thousands of marchers protested the segregation in the county.
- When the Metropolitan Police Department of the District of Columbia decided that the security of suffrage marchers in 1916 was not their problem, Troop 52 Scouts marched alongside the women.
- The parade includes fire trucks and rescue vehicles, marching bands from the Ichabod Crane High School, Santa Claus riding in a sleigh, and marchers from the Girl Scouts, Cub Scouts, and the Valatie Free Library.
- A confrontation ensued between the marchers and security personnel working for Jamison Coal and Coke Company.
- March 16 - Police clash with 600 Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee marchers in Montgomery, Alabama.
- During their journey the Jarrow marchers received sustenance and hospitality from local branches of all the main political parties, and were given a broad public welcome on their arrival in London.
- Lord Hutton represented the Ministry of Defence at the inquest into the killing of 14 civil rights marchers on Bloody Sunday.
- More than 20,000 students, teachers and supporters marched toward the Sorbonne, still sealed off by the police, who charged, wielding their batons, as soon as the marchers approached.
- On April 12, Martin Luther King was arrested with SCLC activist Ralph Abernathy, ACMHR and SCLC official Fred Shuttlesworth, and other marchers, while thousands of African Americans dressed for Good Friday looked on.
- On the eve of the first Moratorium, he said in Parliament that the marchers were "political bikies pack-raping democracy".
- Fulfilling many key roles in the civil rights movement and its actions to end legalized racial segregation in the United States, in 1965 Lewis led the first of three Selma to Montgomery marches across the Edmund Pettus Bridge, where, in an incident that became known as Bloody Sunday, state troopers and police attacked Lewis and the other marchers.
- The Laws in Wales Act 1535 integrated Wales directly into the English legal system and the "Lordships Marchers within the said Country or Dominion of Wales" were allocated to existing and new shires.
- The following signs are a foul and musky “death-like” odor, and torches getting brighter and brighter as the night marchers get closer.
- However, despite there being no French troops in sight, the Radicals in Strathaven were keen to march, so Wilson led them towards the city, with the marchers carrying a banner declaring, Scotland Free or a Desart.
- Known as the Maryport Marchers, they were joined by two marchers from Cleator Moor and two marchers from Frizington.
- However, this plan failed as the marchers were stopped by opposing parties before they could reach Vaduz and Hitler blocked any invasion into Liechtenstein following intervention by Alois Vogt.
- In March 1965, Plante went to Selma, Alabama and was there when state troopers assaulted marchers on the Edmund Pettus Bridge in what was later dubbed "Bloody Sunday".
- Six hundred unarmed marchers headed for the Edmund Pettus Bridge to cross the Alabama River and go to the state capital were clubbed and whipped by state trooper, fracturing bones and gashing heads.
- Forty Klansmen and neo-Nazis, and several CWP marchers were said to have taken part in the shootings.
- In Canton, Mississippi, on June 23, after marchers tried to erect tents on the grounds of McNeal Elementary School, they were pressed and tear-gassed by the Mississippi Highway Patrol, which was joined by other police agencies.
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