22 English Words From Letters ACCP
Definition: 1. account; money of account
There are 44 definitions of the word ac
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Definition: 1. (algebra) Initialism of ascending chain condition.
There are 15 definitions of the word acc
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Definition: 1. (US, medicine) Initialism of American College of Chest Physicians.
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Definition: 1. (medicine) Initialism of advance care planning.
There are 3 definitions of the word ACP
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Definition: 1. A placename:
There are 26 definitions of the word ap
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Definition: 1. (military) Initialism of armored personnel carrier.
There are 7 definitions of the word APC
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Definition: 1. Abbreviation of Canada, a country in North America
There are 19 definitions of the word ca
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Definition: 1. (finance) Initialism of w:collective action clause.
There are 5 definitions of the word CAC
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Definition: 1. A close-fitting hat, either brimless or peaked.
There are 56 definitions of the word cap
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Definition: 1. companion of the Order of Canada
There are 35 definitions of the word cc
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Definition: 1. (Singapore, education) Initialism of cocurricular activity.
There are 42 definitions of the word CCA
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Definition: 1. Initialism of Chinese Communist Party. (Communist Party of China)
There are 5 definitions of the word CCP
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Definition: 1. (law) Initialism of w:California Consumer Privacy Act.
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Definition: 1. Initialism of copy-protected.
There are 23 definitions of the word cp
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Definition: 1. (US, Philippines, accounting) Initialism of certified public accountant.
There are 12 definitions of the word CPA
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Definition: 1. (US, politics) Acronym of Conservative Political Action Conference.
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Definition: 1. (China, politics) Communist Party of China, the sole ruling political party in the People's Republic of China
There are 9 definitions of the word CPC
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Definition: 1. Initialism of Prince Albert ("Saskatchewan city").
There are 30 definitions of the word pa
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Definition: 1. (computing) Initialism of programmable automation controller.
There are 10 definitions of the word pac
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Definition: 1. Abbreviation of piece.
There are 45 definitions of the word pc
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Definition: 1. (linguistics) Abbreviation of Proto-Central Algonquian.
There are 7 definitions of the word PCA
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Definition: 1. (biochemistry) Initialism of protein-conducting channel.
There are 8 definitions of the word PCC
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