83 English Words With AMOY
Definition: 1. (organic chemistry, especially in combination) The N-acetyl derivative of the muramoyl radical
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Definition: 1. plural of acetylmuramoyl.
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Definition: 1. (organic chemistry) The univalent radical NH2-CO- derived from urea by loss of an amino group
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Definition: 1. (organic chemistry) A carbamoyl derivative of an amino radical NH2CO-NH-
Show more information about carbamoylamino
Definition: 1. plural of carbamoylamino.
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Definition: 1. (enzyme) Any enzyme that catalyses the conversion of an N-carbamoyl-amino acid into ammonia, carbon dioxide and the free amino acid
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Definition: 1. (organic chemistry) Any N-carbamoyl derivative of aspartate
Show more information about carbamoylaspartate
Definition: 1. plural of carbamoylaspartate.
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Definition: 1. (organic chemistry) To react with a carbamoyl group
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Definition: 1. inflection of carbamoylate
There are 2 definitions of the word carbamoylated
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Definition: 1. (organic chemistry) Any reaction that adds or transfers a carbamoyl group or compound
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Definition: 1. plural of carbamoylation.
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Definition: 1. Alternative form of carbamoyl chloride.
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Definition: 1. (organic chemistry, especially in combination) The carbamoyl derivative of choline
Show more information about carbamoylcholine
Definition: 1. (organic chemistry, in combination) A carbamoyl derivative of a methyl radical
Show more information about carbamoylmethyl
Definition: 1. plural of carbamoylmethyl.
Show more information about carbamoylmethyls
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