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Esimerkkejä AVIDITY käyttämisestä lauseessa
- With great avidity, I also read Huxley’s famous controversy with Wace, following the arguments on each side with breathless interest and becoming a convinced agnostic in the process.
- Immunophenotyping is a very common flow cytometry test in which fluorophore-conjugated antibodies are used as probes for staining target cells with high avidity and affinity.
- White blood cells are activated by upregulation of integrin avidity, the lipoxygenase pathway and arachidonic acid metabolism.
- This report also provides details for isolation of TMAH as its pentahydrate, noting the existence of a trihydrate, and emphasizes the avidity which even the former exhibits for atmospheric moisture and carbon dioxide.
- The interactions of clustered proteins for multivalent ligands are described by avidities (avidity), while matricity describes a semisolid state interaction of a matrix with its environment.
- Avidity is commonly applied to antibody interactions in which multiple antigen-binding sites simultaneously interact with the target antigenic epitopes, often in multimerized structures.
- Virtually every aspect of opera seria and its social environment is mercilessly criticized by Marcello: the artificiality of plots, the stereotyped format of music, the extravagant scenography and machinery, the inability and venality of composers and poets, the vanity and vulgarity of singers, the avidity of impresarios, the ineptitude of musicians.
- Sixty CDRs can be found on a pentameric IgM molecule, which is composed of five antibodies and has increased avidity as a result of the collective affinity of all antigen-binding sites combined.
- Head-to-tail fusions of Affibody molecules of the same specificity have proven to give avidity effects in target binding, and head-to-tail fusion of Affibody molecules of different specificities makes it possible to get bi- or multi-specific affinity proteins.
- Especially oligo- or multimers of these binding motifs are of great interest, since this can lead to enhanced tumor specificity and avidity.
- Sestamibi imaging is correlated with the number and activity of the mitochondria within the parathyroid cells, such that oxyphil cell parathyroid adenomas have a very high avidity for sestamibi, while chief cell parathyroid adenomas have almost no imaging quality at all with sestamibi.
- Subsequent dimerisation or multimerisation can increase plasma half-life and, due to avidity, affinity to the target protein.
- Archer's predication, that he has preached oftener than fifty-two times in every year, and that in the present his hearers hang on all he says with the same avidity as they did in the first, we may think it difficult to find an individual to whose eloquence religion has in our times been so greatly indebted.
- As a result, TBA-HD22 construct cannot improve the ecarin clotting time, which further demonstrates the improvement of aptamer functionality is due to TBA-HD22 avidity.
- As a child, Whelpley was described as "large for one of his age; was fond of sport, and averse to labour; was rash and reckless from the strength of his feelings, but chargeable with no vice; was awkward and ungainly in his appearance; but when he got hold of a book, he devoured it with the utmost avidity".
- They found that in T cells specific IL-6R deficient mice, ICOS expression was reduced, the presence of germinal centers was reduced, class switching was impaired, and antibodies against LCMV had overall lower avidity.
- In Ireland, it was the tenant, not the landlord, who expended every penny on improvements which enriched the landlord's property: this was, "the customary fate of Irish tenant industry, even in Ulster itself; while this barefaced, revolting robbery is openly perpetrated by men, who, in the British Parliament, are wont to boast of their own superior landlordism, and who clutch at Coercion Bills, with a greedy avidity".
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