43 Latin Words From Letters SATIO
Definition: 1. to say, to assert, to say "yes", to affirm (also in reply)
There are 2 definitions of the word aio
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Definition: 1. pound as a unit of weight
There are 5 definitions of the word as
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Definition: 1. (law, protasis) but if, and if (in double stipulations)
There are 3 definitions of the word ast
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Definition: 1. to stand at, on, by
There are 5 definitions of the word asto
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Definition: 1. An exclamation of joy: Ho!, Hurray!, Hurrah!
There are 4 definitions of the word io
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Definition: 1. (intransitive) to keep going (to...); to continually or habitually go
There are 2 definitions of the word ito
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Definition: 1. A tribe of Germania mentioned by Tacitus
There are 2 definitions of the word osi
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Definition: 1. (historical) Ostia; A town and port in Italia, Roman Empire
There are 2 definitions of the word ostia
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