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Eksempler på bruk av APOAPSIS i en setning
- Eccentricity vector, in celestial mechanics, a dimensionless vector with direction pointing from apoapsis to periapsis.
- Aerobraking is a spaceflight maneuver that reduces the high point of an elliptical orbit (apoapsis) by flying the vehicle through the atmosphere at the low point of the orbit (periapsis).
- Each spacecraft was in a nearly polar orbit with a periapsis ~1000 km, at 62°N latitude, and apoapsis ~65000 km, with an inclination ~90°, the orbital period being ~24 hours.
- This is often true for orbits that begin as circular, as drag forces are considered "re-circularizing", since drag magnitudes at the periapsis (lower altitude) is expectedly greater than that of the apoapsis, which has the effect of reducing the mean eccentricity.
- In celestial mechanics, the eccentricity vector of a Kepler orbit is the dimensionless vector with direction pointing from apoapsis to periapsis and with magnitude equal to the orbit's scalar eccentricity.
- The first impulse to change the spacecraft's orbit is performed at a specific point in the original orbit (point of impulse, POI), usually performed in the original orbit's periapsis or apoapsis.
- For Earth, orbital eccentricity , apoapsis is aphelion and periapsis is perihelion, relative to the Sun.
- An elliptical orbit is most easily converted to a circular orbit at the periapsis or apoapsis by applying a single engine burn with a delta v equal to the difference between the desired orbit's circular velocity and the current orbit's periapsis or apoapsis velocity:.
- Likewise, dropping periapsis all the way into the atmosphere of a planetary body for aerobraking is inexpensive in velocity at apoapsis, but permits the use of "free" drag to aid in the final circularization burn to drop apoapsis; though it adds an extra mission stage of periapsis-raising back out of the atmosphere, this may, under some parameters, cost significantly less delta V than simply dropping periapsis in one burn from circular orbit.
- When farthest from the Moon (at apoapsis) a spacecraft is said to be at apolune, apocynthion, or aposelene.
- The apsides are the two points of closest and furthest distance of the orbit (the periapsis and apoapsis, respectively); apsidal precession corresponds to the rotation of the line joining the apsides.
- The apsides are the orbital points farthest (apoapsis) and closest (periapsis) from its primary body.
- Before entering the planetary region (epoch 1800), Elenin had a calculated barycentric orbital period of tens of millions of years with an apoapsis (aphelion) distance of about.
- Finally, a Perijove Raising Manoeuvre (PRM) burn at apoapsis will raise the periapsis of Juice's initial 13x243 Jovian radii elongated orbit to match that of Ganymede (15 Rj).
- Once the spacecraft reaches the apoapsis of that initial orbit, it will perform another engine burn to provide a ~ periapsis raise maneuver (PRM).
- Aerobraking – is a spaceflight maneuver that reduces the high point of an elliptical orbit (apoapsis) by flying the vehicle through the atmosphere at the low point of the orbit (periapsis).
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