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Примери за използване на ANTICLEA в изречение
- Laertes was the son of Arcesius and Chalcomedusa; and the father of Odysseus (who was thus called Laertiádēs, Λαερτιάδης, "son of Laertes") and Ctimene by his wife Anticlea, daughter of the thief Autolycus.
- According to some later sources, including a fragment of Aeschylus' lost tragedy The Judgment of Arms, Odysseus was the child of Anticlea by Sisyphus, not Laërtes.
- Anticlea elegans, commonly known as mountain deathcamas, elegant camas, or glaucous death-camas, is a trillium-relative in the flowering plant family Melanthiaceae.
Търсете ANTICLEA в:
(Български) Wiktionary
(Български) Wikipedia
(Английски) Wiktionary
(Английски) Google Answers
(Английски) Britannica
(Български) Wiktionary
(Български) Wikipedia
(Английски) Wiktionary
(Английски) Google Answers
(Английски) Britannica
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