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- Some additional miscellaneous botanical names with Arabic ancestry include Abutilon, Alchemilla, Alhagi, Argania, argel, Averrhoa, Avicennia, azarolus + acerola, bonduc, lebbeck, Retama, seyal.
- Nickernuts or nickar nuts are smooth, shiny seeds from tropical leguminous shrubs, particularly Guilandina bonduc and Guilandina major, both known by the common name warri tree.
- Prior to the 1970s, Miami blues were reported to use grey nickerbeans (Caesalpinia bonduc) and blackbeads (Pithecellobium species) as host plants.
- Guilandina bonduc, commonly known as grey nicker, nicker bean, fever nut or knicker nut, is a species of flowering plant in the senna tribe, Caesalpinieae, that has a pantropical distribution.
- While both Asterina manihotis and Asterina ciferriana were both found on Caesalpinia bonduc, (Fabaceae).
- The board used to play Isolo (also known as isolo) comprised 4 rows of 8 pits each, and 64 seeds (usually Caesalpinia bonduc seeds) are used; the equipment is thus the same as that of many other East African mancalas such as Bao and Omweso.
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(Английски) Britannica
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