Синоними & Анаграми | Английски дума LEMNISCATE
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Примери за използване на LEMNISCATE в изречение
- This lemniscate was first described in 1694 by Jakob Bernoulli as a modification of an ellipse, which is the locus of points for which the sum of the distances to each of two fixed focal points is a constant.
- The application for which Eisenstein developed his criterion was establishing the irreducibility of certain polynomials with coefficients in the Gaussian integers that arise in the study of the division of the lemniscate into pieces of equal arc-length.
- The Peirce quincuncial projection, designed by Charles Sanders Peirce of the US Coast Survey in the 1870s, is a world map projection based on the inverse lemniscate sine of stereographically projected points (treated as complex numbers).
- Curves that have been called a lemniscate include three quartic plane curves: the hippopede or lemniscate of Booth, the lemniscate of Bernoulli, and the lemniscate of Gerono.
- By inverting the Erdős lemniscate in the unit circle, one obtains a nonsingular curve of degree n.
- Cassini ovals (including the lemniscate of Bernoulli), toric sections and limaçons (including the cardioid) are bicircular quartics.
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