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- Ferchar is first reported in the Annals of Tigernach in 678, when he led the Cenél Loairn to defeat on Tiree against "the Britons", presumably those of Alt Clut.
- In the early medieval period, the site of the present Govan Old churchyard was established as a Christian centre for the Brittonic Kingdom of Alt Clut (Dumbarton Rock) and its successor realm, the Kingdom of Strathclyde.
- A story preserved in both the Venedotian Code and an elegy by Taliesin says that he waged a war against Rhydderch Hael of Alt Clut and the kings of Gododdin or Manaw Gododdin.
- a maximum of 16 on the Amstrad CPC) that could be displayed at any one time, which were often assigned from a colour look-up table (CLUT), which maps each displayable colour to one of a larger selection of possible colours (palette) of which the hardware was capable (e.
- The place name is derived from the Cumbric elements caer ("fort") and Rhydderch (a personal name perhaps meaning "red ruler"), and so meaning "Rhydderch's fort", possibly in reference to Riderch I of Alt Clut.
- Eugein I of Alt Clut (Eugein son of Beli) (7th century), king of Alt Clut who defeated Domnall Brecc at Strathcarron in 642.
- The conflict between Bridei and Ecgfrith of Northumbria for Pictish supremacy is described in the poem Iniu feras Bruide cath ("Today Bridei Fights a Battle") as being over the legacy (forba) of Neithon, providing evidence that this Neithon son of Guipno, Bridei's grandfather, may have been the same person as the earlier Pictish king recorded as Nechtan grandson of Uerb, and that the Alt Clut dynasty into which Bridei was born may have had Pictish origins.
- Direct 16 bit-planes planar pixels without CLUT entries, since this mode doesn't contain a palette or a CLUT it requires some kind of ReTargetable Graphics (RTG) driver like chunky modes.
- However, it is possible that either as an Alt Clut Briton ascending the throne of Pictland, or as a Pict ascending the throne of Alt Clut, his genealogy might have been altered, and it is notable that in the Pictish king-lists he is called "Nechtan, nepos Uerb", suggesting that it was a descent from Uerb that mattered in Pictland, and not his unimportant father Guipno/Canu.
- Beli map Neithon is probably identifiable as the Beli who was the father of Bridei III of the Picts, as the Elegy for Bruide mac Bili attributed to Adomnán calls Bridei mac rígh Ala Cluaithe ("son of the King of Alt Clut").
- He is known only from an obituary note in the Annals of Ulster, which records Mors Gureit regis Alo Cluathe ("the death of Guret, king of Alt Clut") under the year 658.
- It is possible that this Nectin is Neithon of Alt Clut, an earlier King of Alt Clut, and that the Harleian genealogies have Elfin's pedigree wrong.
- Although the Harleian pedigree identifies the listed rulers as those of the Kingdom of Alt Clut, it is apparent that one aftereffect of the destruction of the eponymous fortress was that the capital of the realm shifted up the River Clyde to the vicinity of Govan and Partick.
- Calloud, Caloud, Calud, Chlud, Chludn, Claud, Cleod, Clewed, Cllud, Cloda, Cloedt, Cloet, Clood, Cloode, Cloodt, Clou, Clouad, Clouda, Cloudan, Cloudas, Cloudax, Cloudd, Clouded, Clouden, Clouder, Cloudes, Cloudet, Cloudey, Cloudia, Cloudie, Cloudis, Cloudly, Clouds, Cloudsy, Cloudt, Cloudus, Cloudy, Cloue, Clous, Clout, Cloute, Cloutt, Cloutte, Cloux, Clowdas, Clowder, Clowdes, Clowdis, Clowdos, Clowds, Clowdus, Cloyd, Clud, Cluda, Cludas, Cludd, Cludde, Clude, Cludia, Cludie, Cludy, Cluids, Clut, Clutton, Colourde, Klaud, Klauda, Kloede, Klouda, Kloudos, Kloudt, Klude, Klut, Klutton, MacCloud, McCleod, McCloud, McLeod.
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