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- According to grimoire tradition, he holds the rank of Duke, and (like the demon Buer) may appear when the sun is in the sign of Sagittarius.
- Later they announced new members: Bassist Thor Georg Buer (Grave Declaration), guitarist Robert Bordevik (Grievance, Vardøger), drummer Jo Henning Børven (Grave Declaration, Morgenroede) and keyboardist Nickolas Main Henriksen (Aspera, Desdemon).
- The units B - E, the long-distance heating power station Buer (FWK) and the steam work Scholven (DWS) supply steam to neighbouring chemistry enterprises and long-distance heating to some surrounding cities.
- The station can also be reached by tramline 302 (Bochum Langendreer S - Gelsenkirchen Buer Rathaus), which is continued from the old endpoint Laer Mitte, to the new endpoint Langendreer station and tramline 305 (Bochum Langendreer S - Bochum Höntrop Kirche), which is a new tramline since December 2019.
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