Definition, Bedeutung & Anagramme | Englisch Wort CHANGES


Definitionen von CHANGES

  1. Plural des Substantivs change
  2. 3. Person Singular Indikativ Präsens Aktiv des Verbs change


Anzahl der Buchstaben


Ist Palindrom







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Beispiele für die Verwendung von CHANGES in einem Satz

  • The purpose of the composition is to allow complex dialogue scenes to be played out without changes in camera position.
  • Throughout history, forms of art have gone through periodic abrupt changes called artistic revolutions.
  • These changes include blebbing, cell shrinkage, nuclear fragmentation, chromatin condensation, DNA fragmentation, and mRNA decay.
  • In the case of "stellar" or "annual" aberration, the apparent position of a star to an observer on Earth varies periodically over the course of a year as the Earth's velocity changes as it revolves around the Sun, by a maximum angle of approximately 20 arcseconds in right ascension or declination.
  • Further, the warming per unit of greenhouse gases is also affected by feedbacks, such as the changes in water vapor concentrations or Earth's albedo (reflectivity).
  • thumb The boiling point of a substance is the temperature at which the vapor pressure of a liquid equals the pressure surrounding the liquid and the liquid changes into a vapor.
  • Several significant changes to the BIPM have been made throughout its history during the meetings overseen by the CGPM.
  • It is a physical science within the natural sciences that studies the chemical elements that make up matter and compounds made of atoms, molecules and ions: their composition, structure, properties, behavior and the changes they undergo during reactions with other substances.
  • Charlemagne's reign was marked by political and social changes that had lasting influence on Europe throughout the Middle Ages.
  • Conversion of units is the conversion of the unit of measurement in which a quantity is expressed, typically through a multiplicative conversion factor that changes the unit without changing the quantity.
  • Changes in government have occurred in recent years by three methods: violence, negotiations, and elections.
  • Early symptoms include memory problems, behavioral changes, poor coordination, and visual disturbances.
  • Chemical thermodynamics is the study of the interrelation of heat and work with chemical reactions or with physical changes of state within the confines of the laws of thermodynamics.
  • More precisely, a function is continuous if arbitrarily small changes in its value can be assured by restricting to sufficiently small changes of its argument.
  • Chemistry is the science of atomic matter (matter that is composed of chemical elements), especially its chemical reactions, but also including its properties, structure, composition, behavior, and changes as they relate to the chemical reactions.
  • This is used to measure how sensitive a function is to changes or errors in the input, and how much error in the output results from an error in the input.
  • The class action originated in the United States and is still predominantly an American phenomenon, but Canada, as well as several European countries with civil law, have made changes in recent years to allow consumer organizations to bring claims on behalf of consumers.
  • Owing to changes in orthography since that time (his name was originally rendered as M'Laurine), his surname is alternatively written MacLaurin.
  • It typically employs heavily distorted and low-tuned guitars, played with techniques such as palm muting and tremolo picking; deep growling vocals; aggressive, powerful drumming, featuring double kick and blast beat techniques; minor keys or atonality; abrupt tempo, key, and time signature changes; and chromatic chord progressions.
  • The recording employs various electronic, magnetic, optical, or mechanical changes to the disk's surface layer.

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