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- The CPU named CSG 4510 R3 is a custom CSG 65CE02 (a MOS 6502 derivative), combined with two MOS 6526 complex interface adapters (CIAs), a UART serial interface, and a memory mapper to allow for an addressable space of 1 MB.
- KERNAL operating system in Commodore 64 for example will determine the video standard during system startup, but tries neither to identify the supplied TOD clock frequency nor to initialise the CIAs correctly on 50 Hz driven machines.
- She worked for the Agricultural Mutual Assistance Association (MSA) of Gironde, the Family Allowance Fund (CAF) of Bas-Rhin, and as territorial insertion official for the general council of Meurthe-et-Moselle, before being appointed director of the Intercommunal Social Action Center (CIAS) of the community of communes of Latitude Nord Gironde in Saint-Yzan-de-Soudiac in 2012.
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