Definition, Bedeutung & Anagramme | Englisch Wort FAULTS


Definitionen von FAULTS

  1. Plural des Substantivs fault


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Beispiele für die Verwendung von FAULTS in einem Satz

  • Similarly to the Earth's Moon, Mercury's surface displays an expansive rupes system generated from thrust faults and bright ray systems formed by impact event remnants.
  • In network management, fault management is the set of functions that detect, isolate, and correct malfunctions in a telecommunications network, compensate for environmental changes, and include maintaining and examining error logs, accepting and acting on error detection notifications, tracing and identifying faults, carrying out sequences of diagnostics tests, correcting faults, reporting error conditions, and localizing and tracing faults by examining and manipulating database information.
  • It can be used to characterize and locate faults in metallic cables (for example, twisted pair wire or coaxial cable),.
  • Back-arc region, the region created by back-arc extension, containing all the basins, faults, and volcanoes generated by the extension.
  • The groundwater is heated either by shallow bodies of magma (molten rock) or by circulation through faults to hot rock deep in the Earth's crust.
  • The 161 km wide western North American Fold and thrust belt extends from Alaska to Mexico, forming several northerly trending thrust faults in southwest Wyoming, including the Crawford, Absaroka and Hogsback (Darby), which formed from the Late Jurassic through the early Eocene.
  • The earthquake is thought to have occurred on one of the larger thrust faults within the accretionary wedge, at between ca.
  • Another genre, called faḍāʾil wa mathālib — tales that show the merits and faults of individual companions, enemies, and other notable contemporaries of Muhammad.
  • Most such faults are found in oceanic crust, where they accommodate the lateral offset between segments of divergent boundaries, forming a zigzag pattern.
  • In geotechnical engineering, trench investigations locate faults and investigate deep soil properties.
  • Large faults within Earth's crust result from the action of plate tectonic forces, with the largest forming the boundaries between the plates, such as the megathrust faults of subduction zones or transform faults.
  • Its author directly challenged the organization of the Holy Roman Empire, denounced in the strongest terms the faults of the house of Austria, and attacked with vigour the politics of the ecclesiastical princes.
  • The main disadvantage of poison reverse is that it can significantly increase the size of routing announcements in certain fairly common network topologies, but it allows for the improvement of the overall efficiency of the network in case of faults.
  • It also depends on the amount of structural weaknesses occur within the rocks, such as a faults, shears, joints or foliations.
  • The main goal was to increase speed and maneuverability at low altitudes, mainly to evade small-caliber anti-aircraft artillery, which was the main threat for ground attack aircraft, and to remove some of the Il-2's faults.
  • Persuaded that all faults in the language of the Greek poets came from the carelessness of copyists, wherever it seemed to him that an obscure or difficult passage might be made intelligible and easy by a change of text, he did not scruple to make the necessary alterations, whether the new reading were supported by manuscript authority or not.
  • One of the latest Macross TV series, Macross Frontier, further expands on that concept by introducing fold faults or dislocations, which further retard fold travel and interfere with fold communications.
  • Fault scarp, the topographic expression of faulting attributed to the displacement of the land surface by movement along faults.
  • Several other faults experienced minor rupture during the main shock and other ruptures occurred during large aftershocks, or triggered events.
  • The valley floor is an alluvial plain that formed in the graben (tectonic depression) between the San Andreas Fault to the west and the Hayward and Calaveras faults to the east.
  • As a purely scientific term in geology, however, a "massif" is separately and more specifically defined as a section of a planet's crust that is demarcated by faults or flexures.
  • In modern use on most architectures these are much rarer than segmentation faults, which occur primarily due to memory access violations: problems in the logical address or permissions.
  • This type of tectonics is found at divergent plate boundaries, in continental rifts, during and after a period of continental collision caused by the lateral spreading of the thickened crust formed, at releasing bends in strike-slip faults, in back-arc basins, and on the continental end of passive margin sequences where a detachment layer is present.
  • Recent seismic evidence, however, questions the fluvial origin by focusing on uplift along ridge bounding faults.
  • Examples of these causes include faults at power stations, damage to electric transmission lines, substations or other parts of the distribution system, a short circuit, cascading failure, fuse or circuit breaker operation.

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