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- He won the Ingeborg Bachmann Prize in 2010 for his excerpt Ich finde dich (I'll Find You) of his novel Rabenliebe (Bad Love, literally: Ravens' Love) which was also on the short-list of the 2010 German Book Prize.
- " He gave Little Pitchcroft and 4½ acres of meadow in Great Pitchcroft to the corporation on condition that within two years after his decease they shoidd erect and establish a free school in the city "to bringe uppe youthe in their A B, mattens, evensonge, and other lernynge, "which shall make them mete and reddie to ye Kinges gramer scole," but if not done within two years then the said lands to revert to his heirs,"if his wife married again, "then the children's portions to be put into the Chamber of the city, unless her husbande shall finde sufficient suretie for the same.
- John Weever, 1631, followed Speed's first edition, listing burials for the former and "personages I finde to have beene registred in the Martirologe of this house" (probably benefactors) for the latter.
- After the MGP, Jimilian continued to release music online, becoming popular through postings including "Elsker", "Virus", "Vibration", "Finde dit smil igen" and "Tættere på".
- And after you shal have examined the persons, if you shal finde them dulie to be suspected and they shal refuze to confesse the truth, you shal by aucthoritie hereof put them to the torture in Bridewel, and by th'extremitie thereof, to be used at such times and as often as you shal thincke fit, draw them to discover their knowledge of the said libells.
- And Richarde of Cracall mason on the tothir partie bereth witnes that the forsaid Richarde takes full charge for to make the Kirk of Katrick newe als werkmanschippe and masoncrafte will and that the forsaide Richard sall finde all the laboreres and servys pertanand to the Kirke makinge.
- And I must declare unto you here, that albeit no King that ever was in England shall be more careful of your Priviledges, to maintain them to the uttermost of his power then I shall be; yet you must know, that in cases of Treason, no person hath a priviledge, and therefore I am come to know if any of those persons that were accused are here; for I must tell you, Gentlemen, that so long as these persons that I have accused (for no slight crime, but for Treason) are here, I cannot expect that this House can be in the right way that I do heartily wish it: Therefore I am come to tell you, that I must have them wheresoever I finde them.
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Die Seitenvorbereitung dauerte: 224,13 ms.