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Beispiele für die Verwendung von HOKI in einem Satz

  • In Māori: Irihāpeti Te Tuarua, nā te huatau o te Atua, te Kuini o Aotearoa me ērā atu o Ōna Whaitua, Rohe hoki, te Upoko o te Kāhui Whenua, te Kaiwawao o te Whakapono.
  • Izanami was then buried on Mount Hiba, at the border of the old provinces of Izumo and Hoki, near modern-day Yasugi of Shimane Prefecture.
  • The main prey species reported are cephalopods (85%, mainly arrow squid, Nototodarus sloanii), followed by crustaceans (13%, primarily krill, Nyctiphanes australis) and fish (2%, mainly red cod and Blue grenadier (hoki)).
  • One of the activists, admirer Hoki, a Japanese photographer who adores her, begs Nagiko to take him as a lover.
  • Species include the main hoki, hake, ling, silver warehou, squid, orange roughy and deep sea (oreo) dory fisheries.
  • The similar-tasting hoki was substituted several years later, due to its competitive market value and its boneless fillets, and eventually was introduced widely in the early 1990s when global pollock stocks were facing low numbers.
  • Also kept in this temple is the wooden sitting place (hoki) and shawl (chaddar) or Chaitanya, that he gave as a gift to Gopala Bhatta Gosvami who built the temple.
  • The short-lived British version of the show ran for two series (airing from 1997 to 1998) and was hosted by Paul Ross from a 'Japanese-styled' studio with 'Japanese' assistants Hoki and Koki (actually actors Peter Cocks and Stephen Taylor Woodrow, from TVS children's show What's Up Doc?, in yellowface).
  • The blue grenadier (also known as hoki, blue hake, New Zealand whiptail, or whiptail hake, Macruronus novaezelandiae) is a merluccid hake of the family Merlucciidae found around southern Australia and New Zealand, as well as off both the Atlantic and Pacific coasts of South America from Peru to Brazil at depths of between.
  • During one of these, Ngāpuhi war raids to the Bay of Plenty, Moka took a wife, Noho Kupenga Tipare, a Whakatohea chieftainess from Opotiki (Bay of Plenty) and they had three sons and a daughter; Te Ahitapu, Rewiri Tarapata, Taawhi, and Hoki 'Peata'.
  • The community of Litjotjela includes the villages of Bothoba-Pelo, Ha Eti (Linotšing), Ha Hoki, Ha Jane (Boinyatso), Ha Lechesa, Ha Lesala, Ha Leshoele, Ha Leshoele (Likhakeng), Ha Lesitsi (Likhakeng), Ha Letuka (Matukeng), Ha Libe, Ha Mahlehle (Likhakeng), Ha Mahlomola (Likhakeng), Ha Malimatle (Matukeng), Ha Masaleng (Ha Mokokoana), Ha Mohlolo (Ha Molupe), Ha Mojapela, Ha Mojela ('Muela), Ha Mokokoana, Ha Morolong ('Muela), Ha Morolong (Likhakeng), Ha Motetepa, Ha Mpopo, Ha Nthako, Ha Ntholi, Ha Nyarela (Tsikoane), Ha Peete, Ha Pitere, Ha Potloane (Tsikoane), Ha Potso (Lipelaneng), Ha Qokolo, Ha Ramoloi (Linotšing), Ha Ranku (Mapheaneng), Ha Sebe, Ha Sekoto, Ha Setenane (Phatlalla), Ha Setho ('Muela), Ha Tšaba-Lira, Ha Tšupane, Hloahloeng, Hloahloeng (Ha Poulo), Lenyakoane, Leqhutsung (Moreneng), Leralleng, Linotsing (Ha Mokokoana), Maebeng, Mahlabatheng, Majakaneng, Mankhololi, Masieeng, Matjelong (Ha Mohale), Matsoapong (Matukeng), Matukeng, Ramosenyehi, Seqhobong, Tsekong and Tsikoane.
  • Fish in the deeper waters include rattails, hapuku, tarakihi, ling, hoki, lantern fish, sharks, rays, skates and squid.
  • Inspired by the Dutch hit single "Stars on 45" concept, the song was a Māori language medley of songs performed on the guitar, including "Pā Mai", "Me He Manu Rere", "Hoki Mai e Tama Mā", "E te Hokowhitu" and "Taringa Wairua".

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