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- As an outspoken leader of the "younger" historical school, Schmoller opposed what he saw as the axiomatic-deductive approach of classical economics and, later, the Austrian school—indeed, Schmoller coined the term to suggest provincialism in an unfavorable review of the 1883 book Investigations into the Method of the Social Sciences with Special Reference to Economics (Untersuchungen über die Methode der Socialwissenschaften und der politischen Oekonomie insbesondere) by Carl Menger, which attacked the methods of the historical school.
- In 1657 the leading Royalist William Cavendish, 1st Marquess of Newcastle, published his book La Methode et Invention nouvelle de dresser les Chevaux, written in exile in Antwerp during the Cromwellian Protectorate.
- Pierre Baillot, who was associated with Rode and Kreutzer in the compilation of the celebrated Methode du Violon, was born at Passy, near Paris, and became one of the best violinists of his time.
- Back in Poland, he was to turn Kossinna's settlement-archaeological method ("Siedlungsarchäologische Methode") against its creator and to try to prove a Slavonic autochthonism in Poland from at least the Bronze Age (Lusatian culture) onwards.
- Dutch translation by Hein Kray: In strijd met de methode: Aanzet tot een anarchistische kennistheorie, Meppel: Boom 1977, 375 pp.
- Cours de chymie : contenant la maniere de faire les operations qui sont en usage dans la medecine, par un methode facile ; avec des raisonnements sur chaque operation, pour l'instruction de ceux qui veulent s'appliquer a cette science.
- Trophies are awarded to particular category or class winners, including Best International Entry, Best Brandy, Best Garagiste Entry, Best Methode Classique, Best Pinotage and Most Innovative Wine/Spirits.
- From 1926 Otto Neurath sought his collaboration in designing pictograms for the Vienna Method of Pictorial Statistics (Wiener Methode der Bildstatistik; later renamed Isotype).
- He was evidently influenced by Claude Perrault’s determination to reduce the complexity of architectural composition and the proportioning of the orders, as evidenced in his translation and commentary on Vitruvius’ ten books on architecture, published in 1673 and, in a revised edition, in 1684, as also by his Ordonnance des cinq espèces de colonnes selon la methode des anciens, of 1683.
- Horst Korsching and Karl Wirtz Trennung von Flüssigkeitsgemischen mittels kombinierter Thermodiffusion und Thermosiphonwirkung: Methode von Clusius und Dickel, Naturwissenschaften Volume 27, Number 7, Page 110 (February, 1939).
- Horst Korsching and Karl Wirtz Trennung von Flüssigkeitsgemischen mittels kombinierter Thermodiffusion und Thermosiphonwirkung: Methode von Clusius und Dickel, Naturwissenschaften Volume 27, Number 7, Page 110 (February, 1939).
- Jean-Claude Lebensztejn, L'art de la tache: Introduction à la Nouvelle methode d'Alexander Cozens, Paris: Éditions du Limon, 1990.
- Neurath was a member of the team that developed a simplified pictographic language, the Vienna Method of Pictorial Statistics (Wiener Methode der Bildstatistik), which she later renamed Isotype.
- The True Order and Methode of Wryting and Reading of Hystories (1574) edition by Hans Peter Heinrich.
- Mémoire sur la methode de trouver la latitude par le moyen de deux hauteurs du soleil, del’intervalle de tems écoule entre les deux observations, et de la latitude estimée.
- He published the first German translation of the chess writings of Gioachino Greco, together with a re-edition of Philipp Stamma in Das Schach des Herrn Giochimo Greco Calabrois und die Schachspiel Geheimniße des Arabers Philipp Stamma übersezt, verbeßert und nach einer ganz neuen Methode zur Erleichterung der Spielenden umgearbeitet (Breslau 1784, Nachdruck Zürich: Olms 1979 und 1987).
- Hart is the author of three known works on grammar and spelling: an unpublished manuscript from 1551 titled The Opening of the Unreasonable Writing of Our Inglish Toung; a printed pamphlet titled An Orthographie, published in 1569; and a practical reading primer titled A Methode or Comfortable Beginning for All Unlearned, published in 1570.
- In 1622 Yates published A Modell of Divinitie, catechistically composed, wherein is delivered the Matter and Methode of Religion according to the Creed, Ten Commandments, Lord's Prayer, and the Sacraments, London, dedicated to the mayor, officers, and citizens of Norwich.
- dissertation from the University of Freiburg was entitled Miscellen aus der Theorie der Curven und Flächen zweiter Ordnung unter Anwendung der Methode des Unendlich-Grossen (Miscellanea from second-order curves and surfaces, using the method of infinitesimals), Frankfurt a.
- Dancie's first work, Discours des armes et methode pour bien tirer de l'espée et poignard (Discourse Of Arms And Method To Properly Fence With The Sword And Dagger) is a manuscript of two parts, written some time before 1617.
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