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Beispiele für die Verwendung von RESCORE in einem Satz
- It features music by Bernard Herrmann, who was asked by 20th Century Fox to rescore his prelude for the film as the original was considered to be terrifying.
- With only two weeks to rescore the film, Newman - who usually orchestrates the bulk of his scores himself - used a small army of orchestrators to help him complete the score: Scott Smalley, Chris Boardman, William Kidd, Peter Tomashek, Steven Bramson, Christopher Klatman, Don Davis, Joel Rosenbaum, Arthur Kempel (misspelt "Kempl" in the end credits), Mark McKenzie, Brad Warnaar (misspelt "Warner" in the end credits), and John Neufeld.
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Die Seitenvorbereitung dauerte: 88,70 ms.