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- In 1960, Jaeckel appeared twice on Nick Adams's ABC Western series, The Rebel, as Marshal Roader in "The Rattler" and as Clyde Traskel in "Run, Killer, Run".
- July emerged onto the scene during Gilette OSL, where he beat Oov 3–2 in a famous series and went on to win the tournament against Reach, making him a royal roader and the first Zerg to ever win an OSL.
- He beat Nordmeyer on the second ballot after Watt (a fellow Aucklander) had been eliminated in the first ballot for the position, as a compromise candidate as was regarded by many within the Party as a middle roader.
- Any person identified as a "capitalist roader" (zǒu zīpài) was to be removed from authority, and "anti-Party, anti-socialists Rightists must be fully exposed, hit hard, pulled down, and completely discredited and their influence eliminated".
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