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Beispiele für die Verwendung von SECANT in einem Satz

  • In mathematics, the mean value theorem (or Lagrange's mean value theorem) states, roughly, that for a given planar arc between two endpoints, there is at least one point at which the tangent to the arc is parallel to the secant through its endpoints.
  • The Euler numbers appear in the Taylor series expansions of the secant and hyperbolic secant functions.
  • Trigonometric functions: sine, cosine, tangent, cotangent, secant, cosecant, exsecant, excosecant, versine, coversine, vercosine, covercosine, haversine, hacoversine, havercosine, hacovercosine, Inverse trigonometric functions etc.
  • Fincke's lasting achievement is found in his book Geometria rotundi (1583), in which he introduced the modern names of the trigonometric functions tangent and secant.
  • As the Gudermannian and inverse Gudermannian functions can be defined as the antiderivatives of the hyperbolic secant and circular secant functions, respectively, their derivatives are those secant functions:.
  • Specifically, they are the inverses of the sine, cosine, tangent, cotangent, secant, and cosecant functions, and are used to obtain an angle from any of the angle's trigonometric ratios.
  • The secant, ellipsoidal form of the transverse Mercator is the most widely applied of all projections for accurate large-scale maps.
  • The secant method does not require or guarantee that the root remains bracketed by sequential iterates, like the bisection method does, and hence it does not always converge.
  • There, the procedure was justified by concrete arithmetical arguments, then applied creatively to a wide variety of story problems, including one involving what we would call secant lines on a conic section.
  • Like the stereographic projection and gnomonic projection, orthographic projection is a perspective projection in which the sphere is projected onto a tangent plane or secant plane.
  • He also introduced the secant and cosecant functions, as well studied the interrelations between the six trigonometric lines associated with an arc.
  • The external secant function (abbreviated exsecant, symbolized exsec) is a trigonometric function defined in terms of the secant function:.
  • Generalisation of the distribution gives rise to the Meixner distribution, also known as the Natural Exponential Family - Generalised Hyperbolic Secant or NEF-GHS distribution.
  • There are six in common use: inverse hyperbolic sine, inverse hyperbolic cosine, inverse hyperbolic tangent, inverse hyperbolic cosecant, inverse hyperbolic secant, and inverse hyperbolic cotangent.
  • The same is true of secant (Latin: secans) and cosecant (Latin: cosecans, secans complementi) as well as of tangent (Latin: tangens) and cotangent (Latin: cotangens, tangens complementi):.
  • the hyperbolic sine and cosine functions (but not hyperbolic tangent, cotangent, secant, or cosecant).
  • Sine, Cosine, Tangent (trigonometric function), Cotangent, Secant (trigonometric function), Cosecant – see Trigonometric function.
  • Muhammad ibn Jābir al-Harrānī al-Battānī (Albatenius) (853–929 AD) discovered the reciprocal functions of secant and cosecant, and produced the first table of cosecants for each degree from 1° to 90°.
  • Continuous flight augering can be used to construct a secant piled wall which can be used as a retaining wall or as shoring during excavation.
  • The reciprocals of these ratios are named the cosecant (csc), secant (sec), and cotangent (cot), respectively:.
  • In fact, all six standard trigonometric functions – sine, cosine, tangent, cotangent, secant, and cosecant, as well as archaic functions like versine and exsecant – can be defined geometrically in terms of a unit circle, as shown at right.
  • The integral of the secant function defines the Lambertian function, which is the inverse of the Gudermannian function:.
  • The architects were Craig, Zeidler and Strong, the structural engineers were Gordon Dowdell Associates, the landscape architects were Hough, Stansbury and Associates, and the general contractor was Secant Construction.
  • He first (1964–72) studied the viscoplasticity of metals, in particular updating and interpreting the phenomenon of "creep hesitation ": to this end, he contributed to the development of models of the transition from single to polycrystal in elasto(visco)plasticity by proposing a critique of previous models and a secant formulation of the self-coherent model for non-linear behaviours.
  • In numerical analysis, the ITP method, short for Interpolate Truncate and Project, is the first root-finding algorithm that achieves the superlinear convergence of the secant method while retaining the optimal worst-case performance of the bisection method.

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