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Beispiele für die Verwendung von SEICHE in einem Satz
- Seiches are often imperceptible to the naked eye, and observers in boats on the surface may not notice that a seiche is occurring due to the extremely long periods.
- seismic and earthquake hazards (ground shaking, liquefaction, lurching, lateral spreading, tsunami and seiche events);.
- A variation on that is that Wakatipu is a contraction of Waka (trough) and tipua (enchanted giant), the giant was burnt when the surrounding bush was lit and his breathing causes the seiche.
- The Swiss scholar François-Alphonse Forel contributed to an understanding of the enigmatic phenomenon by his study of limnology and the discovery of seiche, where layers of water of differing temperature oscillate in thickness in a confined body of water.
- Only about 3% of historical tsunami events (from 2000 BC through 2014) are known to have meteorological origins, although their true prevalence may be considerably higher than this because 10% of historical tsunamis have unknown origins, tsunami events in the past are often difficult to validate, and meteotsunamis may have previously been misclassified as seiche waves.
- On 16 September 2023 a 25 million tonne rock-slide caused an unwitnessed tsunami in Dickson Fjord, reaching a height of 200 meters and then a 7-meter-high seiche (standing wave) that sloshed back and forth many times in the fjord for 9 days with a period of 92 seconds.
- In the mid 2000's (decade), work was undertaken to enhance the dam and its appurtenant structures against the effects of earthquake loads, and to reduce the risk of overtopping resulting from earthquake-induced seiche waves in Lake Aviemore, in the event of rupture of the Waitangi Fault.
- Dickson Fjord (branch of King Oscar Fjord notable due to the September 2023 rockslide and associated 9-day seismic event caused by a seiche megatsunami).
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