Definition & Bedeutung | Englisch Wort STAMMERED
Definitionen von STAMMERED
- Präteritum (simple past) des Verbs stammer
- Partizip Perfekt (past participle) des Verbs stammer
Anzahl der Buchstaben
Ist Palindrom
Beispiele für die Verwendung von STAMMERED in einem Satz
- The 14th-century Illuminated Chronicle stated that Coloman was "of mean stature, but astute and quick of apprehension", adding that he was "shaggy and hirsute, half-blind and humpbacked, and he walked with a limp and stammered in his speech".
- The women imitated the peculiarity of the hero they loved the most: Cúscraid's fans stammered, Conall's crooked their necks, and Cúchulainn's squinted one eye in imitation of his warp spasm.
- If a contestant stopped talking, was stalling, was being mute for more than a second, stuttered or stammered with their speech, or if they were going off-topic at any point, the team was penalized five points per violation.
- The duo became known for their unconventional arrangements and instrumentation (which sometimes included toy instruments for reasons of cheapness and sonic effectiveness) and for Bates' passionate vocals, which at times were howled, whispered, or stammered.
- This perception was shared by others; the poet Alicja Iwańska, whose literary journey largely coincided with Ginczanka's, remembers that despite the exquisite poetry she kept publishing in the best literary journals of the country and a personal beauty that had a dazzling effect on the onlookers, Ginczanka was often diffident, given to blushing, and stammered when put on the spot.
set the tone of the meeting because he stammers when he's upset and he stammered when he talked to Bobby and said that he was nauseated by the necessity of being in that room.
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