Synonyme & Anagramme | Englisch Wort TINGE




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  • They have a uniform, steely-grey coat on their backs and fur with a yellowish tinge on their abdomens.
  • The plot of the show addresses the problems of ageing and caring for somebody with increasing memory loss, with an often sharp-edged humour which carried with it a tinge of sadness.
  • This is most notable on the title track, which blends rootsy rhythms with a dance beat, and urban stylings with a tinge of world music.
  • They are sexually dimorphic; males have short, red-brown fur, fading to pale buff below and on the limbs, while females are smaller than males and are blue-grey with a brown tinge and pale grey below, although arid zone females are coloured more like males.
  • The tail feathers which in this species are long and broaden at the tail's end are black also with a greenish tinge, as are the wings.
  • The head and nape have a buff tinge that is more prominent in breeding season, and the wings are edged with dark brown-black feathers.
  • The Red Cuillin are mainly composed of granite, which is paler than the gabbro (with a reddish tinge from some angles in some lights) and has weathered into more rounded hills with vegetation cover to summit level and long scree slopes on their flanks.
  • Exclusively his is a tinge of green in shadows marring the harmony of the work, a gaudiness of jarring tints, uniform surface and a touch more quick than subtle.
  • The subspecies mesonauta is distinguished from the nominate by the rosy tinge of its fresh plumage, and the subspecies indicus can be differentiated by its smaller size, more restricted mask, and more orange bill.
  • Pizza is one of the favorite foreign foods among South Koreans, though it tends to differ from the pizza served in the west with an Asian tinge, often featuring corn, sweet potato, mayonnaise, bulgogi and various other ingredients.
  • The western olivaceous warbler is larger and has a browner tinge to the upperparts than the eastern olivaceous warbler.
  • The western olivaceous warbler differs from this species in being larger and having a browner tinge to the upperparts; it also has a larger bill.
  • The eastern Bonelli's warbler lacks the browner tinge to the upperparts that the western Bonelli's warbler has; it sometimes has a greenish tinge instead.
  • Adult males have a bright red face and a yellow nape, shoulder, and rump, with black upper back, wings, and tail; in non-breeding plumage, the head has no more than a reddish cast and the body has an olive tinge.
  • Its upper body, from shoulders to tail, is a pale grayish brown, though the wing edge has a bluish tinge.
  • It is very similar to the rock partridge (Alectoris graeca) with which it has been lumped in the past but is browner on the back and has a yellowish tinge to the foreneck.
  • The form is unusual in that the verses are the now-familiar standard twelve-bar blues in common time with three lines of lyrics, the first two lines repeated, but it also has a 16-bar bridge written in the habanera rhythm, which Jelly Roll Morton called the "Spanish tinge" and characterized by Handy as tango.
  • A masu salmon which has reached sexual maturity has a darkened back, and the stripes on the body sides become bright red with crimson tinge to merge on the abdomen into one common longitudinal band of lighter color.
  • It is an herbaceous annual plant with serrated leaves, and usually flowers with white all over, except the bottom petal (Although there are actually flowers with a tinge of purple at the top) and dehiscent capsules.
  • Supplied almost entirely by the Murray, the whole lake retains the muddy tinge of which I have spoken, and this sadly detracts from the otherwise beautiful appearances of this magnificent sheet of water.

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