Definition & Bedeutung | Englisch Wort TWIDDLED
Definitionen von TWIDDLED
- Präteritum (simple past) des Verbs twiddle
- Partizip Perfekt (past participle) des Verbs twiddle
Anzahl der Buchstaben
Ist Palindrom
Beispiele für die Verwendung von TWIDDLED in einem Satz
- Grasped spindles are also known as: hand spindles, in the hand spindles, in hand spindles and twiddled spindles; there appears no consensus on nomenclature for this category of spindles though there have been various attempts at creating an agreed nomenclature including dividing this category of spindles into two, such as Crowfoot's attempts to define the difference between grasped and in hand spindles or merging this category into others, such as Franquemont's approach of classing them as supported spindles.
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