Anagramme & Informationen zu | Englisch Wort VIDAME
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Beispiele für die Verwendung von VIDAME in einem Satz
- The castle brought with it the ancient, entailed title, Vidame de Chartres, borne as a courtesy style by the Duke's only son until he was eighteen.
- The king charged two northerners, Richard Leneveu, archdeacon of Auge in the Roman Catholic Diocese of Lisieux, and Jean de Picquigni, vidame of Amiens, to make an investigation, which lasted several months.
- A letter from a spurned mistress to her paramour is discovered in the dressing room at one of the estates, but this letter was actually written to the Princess' uncle, the Vidame de Chartres, who has also become entangled in a relationship with the Queen.
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(Englisch) Britannica
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(Englisch) Britannica
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