Αναγραμματισμοί & Πληροφορίες σχετικά με | Αγγλικά λέξη ACHENE



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Παραδείγματα χρήσης ACHENE σε μια πρόταση

  • This diverse form of the caryopsis would include the follicle-like form of Crypsis and Eleusine where a free pericarp adjoins the seeds which are extruded when moistened (as in an achene or utricle), the berry-like form found in some bamboo genera including Dinochloa and Olmeca where the pericarp is more thick and fleshy, and the nut-like form found in Dendrocalamus and Schizostachyum.
  • The fruit is a three-angled achene, surrounded by an often brightly coloured fleshy perianth, edible in some species, though often astringent.
  • Janischewsky, noting the visible differences in the fruits' seed (an achene), shape and size from previously classified Cannabis sativa.
  • The seed, technically a fruit called an achene, is often sold as birdseed as it is a favourite of finches, especially the goldfinch and the greenfinch (Chloris).
  • False mayweed achenes usually have less space between the ribs, the resin glands cannot be seen from the top of the achene, and the resin glands are often brown and oval rather than round and reddish compared to scentless chamomile.
  • The fruit is a small, ovoid achene, which develops within the hypanthium and disperses with the hypanthium as a single unit.
  • The fruit is an achene, with a persistent calyx which may consists of spines, contains one seed that is only enclosed by a thin pericarp and has fleshy endosperm.
  • What look like single flowers are actually a cluster of florets, each petal or ligule being a flower, or floret, possessing its own stamen and capable of producing the specialized seed of the family Asteraceae, the parachute-like achene.
  • The seeds are cypselae, similar in structure to those of dandelions, consisting of a 1–2 mm achene attached to a 3–5 mm feathery pappus.
  • Some difficult cases exist however, so that the term indehiscent follicle is sometimes used, for example with the genus Filipendula, which has indehiscent fruits that could be considered intermediate between a (dehiscent) follicle and an (indehiscent) achene.
  • The fruits (seeds) of Symphyotrichum lateriflorum are not true achenes but are cypselae, resembling an achene and surrounded by a calyx sheath.
  • The characteristic bladder or sac-like structure that surrounds the achene originally starts as a tiny immature bract subtending the pedicel.
  • Having more than one form of flower starting with a four-winged ray floret which matures into a one-seeded, one-celled, fruits which remain closed at maturity; an achene with the calyx tube remaining attached.
  • The fruit is a club-shaped achene just under a centimeter long; achenes arising from the disc florets have pappi of scales.
  • They are subshrubs, shrubs, or small trees with a base chromosome number of 9, whose fruits are either an achene or an aggregate of achenes.
  • In botany, a perigynium (plural: perigynia), also referred to as a utricle, typically refers to a sac that surrounds the achene of plants in the genus Carex (Cyperaceae).
  • The genus is distinguished morphologically by the pales, which are modified to completely and tightly enclose the mature cypsela (achene) and often have a tuberculate surface.
  • The fruit is a tiny ribbed achene which swells up and becomes gluey in texture when it is moistened.
  • The fruit is an achene tipped with a cluster of pappus bristles which are not plumelike as are those of the Stephanomeria species with which this plant was once classified.
  • The tiny achene generally germinates directly next to its parent, so that the plants become a carpetlike layer.

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