Αναγραμματισμοί & Πληροφορίες σχετικά με | Αγγλικά λέξη DALS
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Παραδείγματα χρήσης DALS σε μια πρόταση
- The Council of States (Conseil des Etats / Ständerat / Consiglio degli Stati / Cussegl dals Stadis) has 46 members elected for four-year terms from multi-member and single-member constituencies.
- The Council of States (German: Ständerat; French: Conseil des Etats; Italian: Consiglio degli Statil Romansh: Cussegl dals Stadis) has 46 members, elected for four years in 20 two-seat (for full cantons) and 6 single-seat (for half-cantons) constituencies.
- After the Sarbat Khalsa of 1748, the numerous Jathas were rearranged and further subdivided under constituent misls as follows, which in-turn were divided between the Buddha and Taruna Dals:.
- Dali: A dish made from one of the Dals like tur, horse gram, chana, masur, mung or a combination of these.
- It is used to flavour samosa and pakora fillings, stews and soups, fruit salads and pastries, curries, chutneys, pickles and dals and to tenderize meats, poultry, and fish.
- These types of Kuḻambu all include a base of tamarind, urad and toor dals, and spices such as curry leaves, chili, and salt.
- The Federal Office for Customs and Border Security (FOCBS) (German Bundesamt für Zoll und Grenzsicherheit (BAZG); French Office fédéral de la douane et de la sécurité des frontières (OFDF); Italian Ufficio Federale della dogana e della sicurezza dei confini (UDSC); Rhaeto-Romanic Uffizi federal de la duana e de la segirezza dals cunfins (UDSC)) is a federal agency of the Swiss Confederation.
Αναζήτηση για DALS σε:
(Ελληνικά) Wiktionary
(Ελληνικά) Wikipedia
(Αγγλικά) Wiktionary
(Αγγλικά) Google Answers
(Αγγλικά) Britannica
(Ελληνικά) Wiktionary
(Ελληνικά) Wikipedia
(Αγγλικά) Wiktionary
(Αγγλικά) Google Answers
(Αγγλικά) Britannica
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