Αναγραμματισμοί & Πληροφορίες σχετικά με | Αγγλικά λέξη FOLLOWE
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Παραδείγματα χρήσης FOLLOWE σε μια πρόταση
- Here done followe two opuscules or small werks of Saynt Bonaventure, moche necessarie and profytable unto all Christians specyally unto religyous persons, put into Englyshe by a brother of Syon, Richard Whytforde.
- William Fowler explained the theme of the ship, attributing it King James, and showing that it related to the sea journeys of James VI and Anne of Denmark in 1589, "The Kings Majestie, having undertaken in such a desperate time, to sayle to Norway, and like a newe Jason, to bring his Queene our gracious Lady to this Kingdome, being detained and stopped by the conspiracies of Witches, and such devillish Dragons, thought it very meet, to followe forth this his owne invention".
- Fowler, his words echoing the letter of 1591, attributed the presentation of James VI as Jason and the ship to the king himself:
The Kings Maiestie, hauing undertaken in such a desperate time, to sayle to Norway, and like a newe Iason, to bring his Queene our gracious Lady to this Kingdome, being detained and stopped by the conspiracies of Witches, and such devillish Dragons, thought it very meet, to followe foorth this his owne invention, that as Neptunus (speaking poetically, and by such fictions, as the like Interludes and actions are accustomed to be decored withall) ioyned the King to the Queene.
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(Ελληνικά) Wikipedia
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(Αγγλικά) Google Answers
(Αγγλικά) Britannica
(Ελληνικά) Wiktionary
(Ελληνικά) Wikipedia
(Αγγλικά) Wiktionary
(Αγγλικά) Google Answers
(Αγγλικά) Britannica
Η προετοιμασία της σελίδας πήρε: 128,28 ms.