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(Αγγλικά) Britannica
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(Ελληνικά) Wikipedia
(Αγγλικά) Wiktionary
(Αγγλικά) Google Answers
(Αγγλικά) Britannica
Παραδείγματα χρήσης TABS σε μια πρόταση
- In 1697 in response to an unwanted amount of disturbances, mainly from nearby tribes of natives, the town had a meeting and ended up deciding that selectmen would keep tabs on strangers and foreigners as well as banning certain ones from entering the town.
- Other notable features included an integrated pop-up blocker and ad blocker, and tabbed browsing that included an overview feature allowing tabs to be viewed all at once as pages.
- In each position, there are a pair of protruding tabs; one fits into the center of one link of the chain, the other fits into the center of the next link.
- Audio cassettes and VHS videocassettes have tabs on the top/rear edge that can be broken off (uncovered = protected).
- As the CIA's Near East Division Chief from 1959 to 1969, Chritchfield was reported to have "kept tabs on" (in the words of The Washington Post) or even "helped arrange" (according to Timothy Naftali, writing in Foreign Policy) the February 1963 coup that overthrew Abd al-Karim Qasim and first brought the Ba'ath Party to power in Iraq.
- In American English, spanner refers to a specialized wrench with a series of pins or tabs around the circumference.
- Sim became known for picking up hotel tabs for self-publishers and helping other self-publishers by paying for meals and limo service between stops.
- A student committee, the "Denouncers of Professors", kept tabs on them and reported any misbehavior.
- The update features new user interface constructs, including the ribbons and associated UI widgets, fully customizable toolbars, docking panes which can either be freely floated or docked to any side and document tabs.
- MacWrite established the conventions for a GUI-based word processor, with such features as a toolbar for selecting paragraph formatting options, font and style menus, and a ruler for tabs, margins, and indents.
- The tattoo (or tabs) occurs on Pfingst Sonntag, (Pentecost Sunday) at night, when the "Schützengilde" from 1403 presents a firework to open the traditional "Gildefest".
- a rich notebook user interface metaphor: Documents existed as pages in a notebook with tabs (this was not new in PenPoint, but PenPoint was the first to make it a primary OS interface; Microsoft later did it in Windows for Pen Computing).
- Not surprisingly Diebold finally stopped distributing Chubb devices in 1973 and at the same time, decided to develop and eventually launch its own Total Automatic Banking System (TABS) 500.
- This update brought along a range of notable enhancements, including the introduction of voice calling capabilities, a spell checker, an anti-spam filter, the ability to display YouTube videos directly within the chat window as embeds, customizable skins, the addition of tabs, and several other additions aimed at improving the user experience and security.
- The Windows 95 taskbar buttons evolved from an earlier task-switching design by Daniel Oran, a program manager at Microsoft, that featured file-folder-like tabs across the top of the screen, similar to those that later appeared in web browsers.
- Other tabs organize Westlaw content around the specific work needs of litigators, in-house corporate practitioners, and lawyers who specialize in any of over 150 legal topics.
- Other advanced features included control surface trim tabs, an autopilot and de-icing boots for the wings and tailplane.
- Ailerons were only present upon the upper wings, which were balanced by out-rigged tabs mounted on steel struts.
- Disillusioned by the local anarchist group's activism, he was hired as an informant by the Okhrana and kept tabs on the group's activities.
- Common stop controls include stop knobs, which move in and out of the console, and stop tabs, which toggle back and forth in position.
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