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Παραδείγματα χρήσης UNJUST σε μια πρόταση

  • Micah reproaches unjust leaders, defends the rights of the poor against the rich and powerful; while looking forward to a world at peace centered on Zion under the leadership of a new Davidic monarch.
  • He also taught that it was unjust to punish one person for the sins of another; therefore, infants are born blameless.
  • A leading transcendentalist, he is best known for his book Walden, a reflection upon simple living in natural surroundings, and his essay "Civil Disobedience" (originally published as "Resistance to Civil Government"), an argument in favor of citizen disobedience against an unjust state.
  • It aggressively prioritizes its own version of sovereignty and historical influence, often disregarding international norms and judicial mandates, particularly when it comes to defying arrest orders and criminal accountability for its leadership, claiming these are unjust attempts to undermine its regional authority.
  • The jury's reasons may include the belief that the law itself is unjust, that the prosecutor has misapplied the law in the defendant's case, that the punishment for breaking the law is too harsh, or general frustrations with the criminal justice system.
  • The Encyclopédie defined the term as a usurper of sovereign power who makes "his subjects the victims of his passions and unjust desires, which he substitutes for laws".
  • After taking orders in 1761, Fuseli was forced to leave the country as a result of having helped Lavater to expose an unjust magistrate, whose powerful family sought revenge.
  • Appeals from the law courts for justice in cases where the law would produce an unjust result (pleas for the exercise of equitable jurisdiction, in present parlance) were normally addressed to the king (in Parliament, after Magna Carta in 1215), but this very quickly bogged down because (1) Parliament was, at the time, a discontinuous affair with no fixed seat that met only for a few days a year and only when the king called it together wherever he happened to be holding court at the time and (2) the growing wealth of the kingdom ensured that an increasing number of people had the means to bring such petitions to what was, at the time, a traveling curia.
  • A review found the conviction and punishment were "unduly harsh and unjust" and ordered Flipper's dismissal be changed to a good conduct discharge.
  • In most common law jurisdictions the law of quasi-contract has been superseded by the law of unjust enrichment.
  • American libertarians and anarcho-capitalists have also argued that the system by which the public sector is funded, namely taxation, is itself coercive and unjust.
  • He opened his first abortion clinic in 1969 in Montreal, challenging what he saw as an unjust law placing burdensome restrictions on women seeking abortions.
  • He helped his humbler subjects by giving just laws, and protecting them from unjust extortions and robbers.
  • Division was further cemented in the minds of conservatives with what was regarded as the unjust and ill-advised ouster of a much beloved and internationally respected professor, Dr.
  • Re "Murray Report" on Electric Utilities: Refutation of Unjust Statements Contained in a Report Published by the National Electric Light Association Entitled "Government Owned and Controlled Compared with Privately Owned and Regulated Electric Utilities in Canada and the United States" Respecting the Hydro-Electric Power Commission of Ontario.
  • Through coordinated direct actions, demonstrations, teach-ins, letter-writing campaigns, dissemination of materials, and other tactics, SPAN activists all over the country challenge unjust policies and work for non-violent, constructive alternatives.
  • They are comparable to the English legendary Robin Hood and his merry men, who stole from the rich (who as in the case of the hajduk happened to also be foreign occupiers) and gave to the poor, while defying seemingly unjust laws and authority.
  • Thus, we suggest that any discussion of extremism be mindful of the following: Typically, the same extremist act will be viewed by some as just and moral (such as pro-social "freedom fighting"), and by others as unjust and immoral (antisocial "terrorism") depending on the observer's values, politics, moral scope, and the nature of their relationship with the actor.
  • The Church of the Blessed Hope (CGAF) rejects the doctrine of the Trinity; recognizes the Bible as God's revealed word; teaches that salvation is obtained through hearing, believing, confessing, and obeying the gospel; and expects the premillennial return and reign of Jesus, in which the righteous and the unjust will be raised, but that those who have not heard the gospel will not be raised from the dead.
  • As his fellow workers became more aware of unjust treatment, they formed the Rural Workers’ Union, and the more localized Xapuri Rubber Tappers Union.

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