2,439 English Words From Letters ACTINOMERE
Definition: 1. account; money of account
There are 44 definitions of the word ac
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Definition: 1. The ball marked with the number 1 in pool and related games.
There are 39 definitions of the word ace
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Definition: 1. (pharmacology) Initialism of ACE inhibitor.
There are 2 definitions of the word ACEi
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Definition: 1. (organic chemistry) Any polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon containing a rectilinear arrangement of fused benzene rings.
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Definition: 1. A plant of the genus Acer; a maple.
There are 2 definitions of the word acer
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Definition: 1. (organic compound) the triglyceride of acetic acid
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Definition: 1. (organic compound) The compound 3-hydroxybutanone CH3-CO-CH(OH)-CH3 that is one of the constituents of the flavour of butter
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Definition: 1. (organic compound) A colourless, volatile, flammable liquid ketone, (CH3)2CO, used as a solvent.
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Definition: 1. (grammar) Initialism of accusativus cum infinitivo.
There are 3 definitions of the word ACI
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Definition: 1. (electronics) Initialism of adjacent channel interference ratio.
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Definition: 1. (travel) Initialism of agency credit memo.
There are 3 definitions of the word ACM
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Definition: 1. A high point: the highest point of any range, the most developed stage of any process, or the culmination of any field or historical period. [c. 1610]
There are 11 definitions of the word acme
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Definition: 1. (aviation) Initialism of aircraft, crew, maintenance and insurance.
There are 4 definitions of the word ACMI
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Definition: 1. Archaeological Computing Newsletter
There are 2 definitions of the word ACN
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Definition: 1. A pattern of blemishes in an area of skin resulting from the skin condition.
There are 2 definitions of the word acne
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Definition: 1. (biology, of the eyes of an insect) That lack cones
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Definition: 1. The herb wolfsbane, or monkshood; any plant of the genus Aconitum, all the species of which are poisonous.
There are 2 definitions of the word aconite
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