5,055 English Words From Letters AUTOREFERENCES
Definition: 1. Initialism of address of record.
There are 8 definitions of the word AoR
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Definition: 1. plural of AoR.
There are 2 definitions of the word AoRs
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Definition: 1. (semiconductor physics) Initialism of amorphous oxide semiconductor.
There are 5 definitions of the word Aos
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Definition: 1. (computing) Initialism of ahead-of-time (referring to any process that produces a result before it is needed).
There are 2 definitions of the word AOT
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Definition: 1. Abbreviation of Arunachal Pradesh. (a state of India)
There are 19 definitions of the word ar
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Definition: 1. (astronomy) That part of a circle which a heavenly body appears to pass through as it moves above and below the horizon. [from 14th c.]
There are 20 definitions of the word arc
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Definition: 1. (music) A note in string instrument musical notation indicating that the bow is to be used in the usual way, usually following a passage that is played pizzicato.
There are 4 definitions of the word arco
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Definition: 1. A town and urban area of Ranipet district in the state of Tamil Nadu, India.
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Definition: 1. plural of arc.
There are 3 definitions of the word arcs
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Definition: 1. A type of espalier where the plants are fashioned into strata of arches.
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Definition: 1. (medicine) A white band of cholesterol that forms at the edge of the cornea
There are 4 definitions of the word arcus
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Definition: 1. inflection of be
There are 6 definitions of the word are
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Definition: 1. (Northern England) Pronunciation spelling of all right.
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