1,007 English Words From Letters EARPLUGS
Definition: 1. (RPG, board games, video games) Initialism of gold piece.
There are 13 definitions of the word GP
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Definition: 1. (US, education) Initialism of grade point average.
There are 2 definitions of the word GPA
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Definition: 1. (emergency medicine) Initialism of gravida, para, abortus, living: used to identify the numbers and types of pregnancies, births, abortions and living children a patient may have had.
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Definition: 1. (computing, copyright) Initialism of General Public License.
There are 4 definitions of the word gpl
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Definition: 1. (geology) Initialism of ground-penetrating radar.
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Definition: 1. (mobile phones) Initialism of General Packet Radio Service.
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Definition: 1. (navigation) Initialism of Global Positioning System.
There are 5 definitions of the word GPs
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Definition: 1. (computer hardware) Initialism of graphics processing unit ( an electronic circuit dedicated to generating graphics and displaying images).
There are 3 definitions of the word GPU
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Definition: 1. (politics) Initialism of Green Party of the United States.
There are 2 definitions of the word GPUs
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Definition: 1. (US politics) Initialism of Green Party of the United States of America.
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Definition: 1. (British) Initialism of George Rex. (on coins, letterboxes, etc.) The royal cypher for George V and his son George VI, kings of Great Britain
There are 6 definitions of the word gr
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Definition: 1. (legal, US) Initialism of generally recognized as effective.
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Definition: 1. A mangy tumour on a horse's leg.
There are 16 definitions of the word grape
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Definition: 1. plural of grape.
There are 3 definitions of the word grapes
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Definition: 1. (cheifly AAVE and UK, dialectal) Alternative form of grasp.
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Definition: 1. A French surname from French.
There are 2 definitions of the word Gras
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Definition: 1. Acronym of generally regarded as safe and effective.
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Definition: 1. To grip; to take hold, particularly with the hand.
There are 7 definitions of the word grasp
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