718 English Words From Letters SCAMGRESS
Definition: 1. Initialism of sub-Saharan Africa.
There are 11 definitions of the word SSA
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Definition: 1. Initialism of Sool, Sanaag and Cayn ("a state founded by the reer darawiish").
There are 7 definitions of the word SSc
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Definition: 1. Initialism of south-southeast.
There are 3 definitions of the word SSE
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Definition: 1. {{lb|en|US|_|military|Navy}} {{initialism of|en|{{w|lang=en|SSG (U.S. Navy)|subsurface guided}}|nodot=1}}: a diesel-powered submarine carrying guided missiles.
There are 3 definitions of the word SSG
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Definition: 1. (military) Initialism of surface-to-surface missile.
There are 3 definitions of the word SSM
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Definition: 1. (US, space science, aviation) Initialism of Space Shuttle Main Engine.
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Definition: 1. (historical) Initialism of Soviet Socialist Republic.
There are 10 definitions of the word SSR
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Definition: 1. (historical, Soviet Union) Initialism of Socialist Soviet Republic of Abkhazia.
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Definition: 1. Initialism of selective serotonin reuptake enhancer.
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Definition: 1. (database, Microsoft) Initialism of SQL Server Reporting Services.
There are 2 definitions of the word SSRs
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Definition: 1. (onomatopoeia) The hiss of a snake or other reptile.
There are 8 definitions of the word sss
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